Questions tagged [virtualscroll]

A UI technique dedicated to increase the performance of large scrollable lists by rendering only a small portion of the data at a moment and virtualising other parts of the dataset, so that the scrollbar parameters remain consistent and a user experiences the result interface close to the original one (without virtualisation)

enter image description here

97 questions
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How to detected when user stop scrolling with Virtual Scroll - Angular 9

I want to display a message when the user stop scrolling with the Virtual Scroll. I tried the following approach, but the message i want to display never appear when i stop scrolling. this.scrollDispatcher.scrolled().pipe( tap(() => this.scroll =…
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Angular virtual scroll with sticky column and header

I have a big list of data and I want to display it in a grid, but I don't want to display the whole list as it will be too much stuff on screen and be slow. I want to use a virtual scroll but I want to have the header and the first column to be…
0 answers

Primeng Angular 9 VirtualScroll causing delay when scrolling up

I am using the p-table virtualScroll with the preloaded data availabe in Primeng Angular 9. When I scroll down, the scrolling is very smooth, but when I scroll up, there's a 1 to 2 seconds delay and a white background before the data show up on the…
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Angular ng-select virtual scroll functionality

My page consists of several ng-select (Custom server-side search) dropdowns created by a *ngFor directive, having the possibility to pick multiple items from each dropdown. I also want to include the virtual scroll functionality but I don't know how…
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Angular material virtual scroll default offset in scroll when the scroll loads

I have a table rendered using angular material virtual scroll. this.trs = [ ...batch, ...this.trs]; setTimeout(() => this.viewPort.scrollToIndex(100), 1000); I get the data and populated the virtual scroll and then set the scrollToIndex to 100.…
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1 answer

ag-grid with virtual scrolling without lazy load

I have a requirement where we need to show around 24k records which has 84 cols in one go, as user wants filtering on entire set of data. So can we have virtual scrolling mechanism with ag-grid without lazy loading?? If so could you please here. Any…
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Implement Virtual scrolling in angular 5

How do I implement Virtual Scroll in angular 5? I tried this Implement Virtual scrolling in angular 6 in angular 5 project but this didn't work. Is there any other way to implement virtual scroll in angular 5? lets say I have a component displaying…
1 answer

Too many list items cause lag

I am using mat-expansion-panel from Angular Material in my app and I combine it with infinite scroll so that I won't load all of them at once and it won't lag because of it. However, once I scroll to the bottom and I have about 30-40 elements…
Sinan Samet
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Selenium / Python - How to access / count all elements inside a container that has virtual scrolling

I have a cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport container with many elements in it which means not all of its elements are rendered at once. If I scroll, I get more elements and 'lose' the previous ones. What I want to do is to count the children of this…
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virtual scroll for version 5.2.0

I have a simple question, is there a way to perform virtual scroll for angular with angular/cdk version 5.2.0 Because i get the error : src/app/app.module.ts(67,10): error TS2305: Module node_modules/@angular/cdk/scrolling"' has no exported member…
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1 answer

Is Ionic Virtual Scroll very buggy or not?

I am working with Ionic 4 and trying to get Virtual Scroll to work properly with no success, for long actually. I find the Docs very unexhaustive and with poor grammar sometimes. As at the ItemHeight part which says: An optional function that maps…
A. D'Alfonso
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virtual scroll with elasticsearch

I'm using elasticsearch and kendo-ui grid. Now I'm switching from endless scroll to virtual scroll. At the moment I use the Scroll Api in elasticsearch, but can't control the range for my request. Is there a way to get a session like in scroll,…
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angular cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport after image load, scroll direction shows incorrect white space due to incorrect element height

when using the angular cdk-virtual-scroll as per below code, content displays correctly before image loaded. however, after the image is loaded, scrolling seems to work incorrectly. in this case, scroll direction is vertical. as scrolling occurs,…
0 answers

Need to increase the allowable maximum height for a div element

Is this possible to increase the below maximum allowable height to be set to a div element. Chrome (14.0) : 33,554,428 px IE (9.0) : 10,737,418 px FF (7.0.1) : 17,895,697 px Beyond, the size, the client height of the div element…
Ramesh G
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Ionic 3 Virtual Scroll: Change Item Size

I am working on implementing a VirtualScroll list. My current implementation is: