Questions tagged [virtualscroll]

A UI technique dedicated to increase the performance of large scrollable lists by rendering only a small portion of the data at a moment and virtualising other parts of the dataset, so that the scrollbar parameters remain consistent and a user experiences the result interface close to the original one (without virtualisation)

enter image description here

97 questions
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How to use vue-virtual-scroller with Element UI Table?

I use Element UI Table in a project and wondering how I can use vue-virtual-scroller with it. I couldn't figure out a way because in all virtual-scroller examples I saw, it was expected(as expected) that the loop is run on the list item or a table…
Praveen Puglia
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3 answers

Angular Virtual Scroll with dynamic variable height/width?

I'm looking for an angular virtual scroll package with following functionality: 1) Horizontal virtual scroll 2) Container width and height are fluid. 3) Items width set in percentage of the container width. 4) Items can be minimized during…
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1 answer

How to make PrimeNg VirtualScroller responsive height?

I have a primeng VirtualScroller and it has a property scrollHeight that fixes some height. I've tried to set 100% at value but it doesn't accept. Also tried to add style or class to component to set height 100% but does not work aswell. How can I…
1 answer

How to persist state of Svelte components in a virtual list?

I'm developing a gantt chart component in Svelte and it consists of 100s of row components each containing multiple task components each. Tasks can be dragged and moved. Performance is a priority and I am using a virtual list to render only the…
Ante Novokmet
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Angular 2 kendo grid virtual scroll paging not working properly while drag and drop scroll bar

I am working on a demo for virtual scroll with kendo grid. I am using remote data(API call from service). When I drag and drop my scroll bar to bottom of the grid then last page data (Here pagesize = 50 so last 50 data) should be display. But this…
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Virtual scroll for Angular 2+

Hi there! I am in need to create a table with so many records using Angular 2+. For that, I'm trying virtual scroll. Still, I can't find any documentation or samples in a working condition. Please help me for getting started with Angular 2+ virtual…
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2 answers

How can I use "ui-scroll" with my own data?

I'm trying to create a infinite scroll feature in my application but it feels a bit abstract. I want to use ui-scroll and this fiddle shows a simple example of how it works. I've read the readme and looked through some examples also I've integrated…
Peter Boomsma
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1 answer

Filtering Angular-ui Scroll

I am trying to implement infinity type scrolling on a simple grid. Html is like this:

Customer List

John Stewart
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how to overflow horizontally out of position relative with vertical scroll-bar (create popover inside ngx-virtual-scroller)

I have a sidebar with a vertical virtual scroll. Whenever I hover over an item in this scroll container, a popover show up, giving more information about the item (for example in the container a name is ellipsed because the container is not wide…
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1 answer

How to make virtual scroll?

Please teach me how to make a virtual scroll. I use HTML, JS, Vue. I tried using vue-virtual-scroll, but since it is difficult to change it to the function I want, I'm going to make a basic part and apply it. Please tell me how to make a basic…
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1 answer

Setting dynamic height for Angular CDK virtual scroll viewport

I'm working on Angular table with usage of cdk Virtual Scroll. Do you know if there is any way to set the dynamic height of scroll viewport? Everything works fine with standard style property but I can't set the value using ngStyle. I would be…
1 answer

ui-scroll for long text virtualising

What is the best way of showing a very long text (in MBs) using ui-scroll ? The text is available in the form of an array but needs to be displayed as a long text document just like a textarea. I'm using ui-scroll as each word in the text is a…
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1 answer

CDK Infinite scroll end checking

im trying to implement infinite scroll for loading items on to the list dynamically when user scrolls down the list, but when i access the end and total , it is coming as same, i need to check if the last item is reached and then append new items to…
0 answers

Angular cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport mouse scrolling not working in horizontal orientation with mouse wheel only

Is there any way to activate mouse scrolling in the cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport for the horizontal orientation? As we can also see in the example from angular material, you can scroll only by dragging from the scrollbar, but you can't scroll just by…
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2 answers

Adjust height of dropdown menu Angular7 autocomplete with virtual-scroll

I'm using angular-material Autocomplete (version 7) for my application. I'm using inside . Besides numerious problems I've resolved, there is one I don't understand: the dropdown menu doesn't display when I add…
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