My page consists of several ng-select (Custom server-side search) dropdowns created by a *ngFor directive, having the possibility to pick multiple items from each dropdown.

I also want to include the virtual scroll functionality but I don't know how to make another server request and update the filterValues$ value to contain new data.


<ng-select [items]="filterValues$[filter.name] | async"
         typeToSearchText="No values found"


onScrollToEnd(filterName) {

fetchMore(filterName) {
    this.filterValues$[filterName] = combineLatest(this.getFilterValues(filterName, this.afterKey), of(this.existingValues))
        map(combined => {
          return combined[1].concat(combined[0])

getFilterValues(filterName, after) {
    return this.filterValuesInput$[filterName].pipe(
      tap(() => this.filterValuesLoading[filterName] = true),
      switchMap(term  => this.search.getFilterValues(filterName, '' + term, '' + after).pipe(
        tap(res => {
          this.afterKey = res.after_key;
          this.filterValuesLoading[filterName] = false;
          this.existingValues = this.existingValues.concat(res.filter_values);
          this.totalFilterValues = res.total_hits;
          //this.bufferLength += this.initialValues.length;
        map(res => res.filter_values),
        catchError(() => of([])) // empty list on error

Any help would be appreciated!

EDIT with updated code: I managed to implement the virtual scroll functionality but whenever I go to the bottom of the dropdown, it triggers the fetchMore() method and resets this.filterValues$[filterName] value, moving the dropdown from bottom to top. How can I prevent that?

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  • The only problem I notice, you didn't subscribe to fetchMore results. It's pretty difficult to figure out a problem without working example. Create such on https://stackblitz.com – shumih May 22 '20 at 12:55
  • Please check my updated question. Unfortunately I couldn't create a stackblitz. – shAkur May 22 '20 at 14:12
  • Try to set [trackByFn] function. It would help ng-select to manage changed items and might solve your problem – shumih May 22 '20 at 15:26

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