Questions tagged [utm]

Use this tag only for questions related to the Universal Transversal Mercator coordinates system. For questions related to Google Analytics, use the [utm-tracking] tag.

Universal Transversal Mercator (UTM) is a geographic coordinate system to give locations on the surface of the Earth.

250 questions
3 answers

Determining UTM zone (to convert) from longitude/latitude

I'm writing a program which expects a number of lat/long points, and I convert them internally to UTM in order to do some calculations in metres. The range of the lat/long points themselves is quite small -- about 200m x 200m. They can be relied on…
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How to change the resolution of a raster layer in R

I have several high resolution raster layers in R that I am working with. The level of detail is excessive for some of the analyses I am running, so I would like to speed things up by reducing the resolution. The coordinate system is UTM so the…
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7 answers

Converting UTM (wsg84) coordinates to Latitude and Longitude

I've been searching for a while now (here and on google obviously) for a neat way to convert a set of UTM coordinates to Latitude and Longitude. I've got the coordinates and I know in what zone they are, but how do I convert this to Latitude and…
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lat/lon to utm to lat/lon is extremely flawed, how come?

I've tried the following, input: lat/lon data then I'll calculate a box around it by, let's say 50 m, so +/- 50 m on easting/northing value. Now I reconvert it to lat/lon and with a script:…
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1 answer

How do I convert ECI coordinates to longitude latitude and altitude to display on a Map?

I would like to be more specific about what I want to do. I get coordinates in ECI and I need to get the latitude and longitude from this. How can I do? I was searching but I could'nt find anything about it. Thanks again. (I'm doing a small program…
2 answers

UTM tracking codes in Firebase

How to make that Firebase understand and track installation of apps (iOS and Android) with UTM tracking links (for example I want to track installs of apps from my site from footer link)? In GA it works perfect. In Firebase I din't find any…
1 answer

How to convert UTM coordinates to lat and long in R

I am trying to run a species distribution model and need to create background points to run my logistic regression model. I have just created 500 randomPoints but they are in UTM coordinates and I need lat and long. Is there a way to convert them to…
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8 answers

Open source PHP function for converting UTM coordinates to latitude and longitude?

I'm making a PHP application involving Google Maps. Maps only accepts lat&lng pairs, and the data I want to display comes only with UTM style coordinates. Is there an open-source PHP function to convert from one to the other? Something like this…
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Google AdWords - How to correctly use Auto-Tagging and UTM variables in AdWords?

Let me preface this question with a little background information: I have a web based system that takes in data from the Google Analytics API and displays that information based upon each clients needs via a web interface. I use unique URLs for…
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1 answer

How to get RGB raster image with UTM coordinates

I have a three layer raster with red, green, and blue channel values in it. I can plot the image with raster::plotRGB, but I need to add axes with UTM coordinates. Coordinates can be added with axes=TRUE, but they are floating in space and look bad.…
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1 answer

C#: How to determine if a coordinates is in the continental United States?

I am getting coordinates - lat/lon and I want to check if these coordinates are in the continental United States or not. Is there a easy way to do it in C#? I can convert the coordinates into MGRS or UTM. Thanks!
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Determine if a user came is an organic or direct visit?

Is it possible to determine whether a user has come to your website via an organic search or direct and is it then possible to store this in our database? We have a form on our website so essentially we want to find out if the user came direct or…
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geom_sf does not use geometry coordinates in axes but plots correct shape of polygon?

My overall aim is to combine multiple shape files (polygons of river sub-basins from within a large river basin) into one file and plot as a map. This new combined file will later combine with variable data e.g.(rainfall) and plot by aes(). My…
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1 answer

Conversion Tracking with Firebase Analytics and UTM on Android

I need to implement conversion tracking on my android app using firebase analytics. In order to do that I will add some UTM parameters to my links, and that links will open a screen on my android app (using deep linking) and then I think I will need…
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iOS: How to convert MKMapPoint or CLLocationCoordinate2D to UTM?

From what I have read this takes some complicated Math that I am not good at. So, I am asking here. Does anyone have experience converting a MKMapPoint or CLLocationCoordinate2D to a UTM value? I found this resource…
Nic Hubbard
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