Questions tagged [bing-maps]

For questions about the Bing Maps API, a cloud mapping platform provided by Microsoft's Bing. This API is used to power map experiences in Microsoft and third-party applications, including web, Windows Forms, WPF, and UWP applications.

Bing Maps is a powerful cloud based mapping platform provided by Microsoft's Bing.

It powers many map-based services such as the Bing Maps website and a number of Bing applications, including Bing Travel and Bing Weather. It is also often embedded in third-party websites using the Bing Maps API. Bing Maps provides APIs for web, Windows Forms, WPF, Windows Phone apps, and Windows UWP applications.

Technical support


2593 questions
6 answers

bing maps cost money?

I am building a new web site in, and im newbie with using maps. For my web site i will need the following functionality: display a map of specific location. display route map between two or more location calculate distance between 2…
2 answers

Highlighting whole street with some maps API

Is there any way to highlight/display on Google/Bing/(any other map provider) Maps whole street (from the beginning of the street to the end of)? I know the existence of Polyline in Google Maps API, but it's just connecting two latitude points, and…
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7 answers

Converting UTM (wsg84) coordinates to Latitude and Longitude

I've been searching for a while now (here and on google obviously) for a neat way to convert a set of UTM coordinates to Latitude and Longitude. I've got the coordinates and I know in what zone they are, but how do I convert this to Latitude and…
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4 answers

Easting northing to latitude longitude

I've got coordinates of location in easting/northing format but I need to convert it to proper lat long to center it in bing maps. Any formula or details how to convert easting/northing to lat/lon? EDIT: To be more specific, I need to convert SVY21…
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1 answer

Using Sql Spatial Data (C#) to find the "visual" center of irregular polygons

I'm drawing regions (using SqlGeometry/SqlGeography and translating them to the WPF LocationCollection equivalent) on the Bing Maps WPF Control and needed to label them. I got the labels drawn on the regions and attached them to the point found by…
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1 answer

WPF bing maps control polylines/polygons not draw on first add to collection

I'm working on this surface project where we have a bing maps control and where we would like to draw polylines on the map, by using databinding. The strange behaviour that's occuring is that when I click the Add button, nothing happens on the map.…
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3 answers

How to get the marked speed limit of a road, out of longitude and latitude

I know that is not a technical question, but I don't know where else to ask. Is there a way to get the marked speed limit of a road from google or bing maps? or any other web service?
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3 answers

How to add Bing Maps v8 to Angular 2.0?

I want to add Bing Map V8 control to my Anguar 2.0 project. I want to know what I need to do to add Bing Map V8 into Angular 2.0 project. I have attached my implementation. The component I created couldn't be loaded. How do I reference …
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3 answers

Is there any limit to number of markers that can be placed on google static maps?

Is it possible to place (say 1000) markers (using set of LAT-LONG values) on Static Google map image? Also, is there some sort of HTTP POST method to achive this or URL is the only way to go? Basically, I was looking into Bing maps REST service -…
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1 answer

How to get lat/lon of a mouse click with Bing Maps AJAX Control v7

I am using th newest version of the API (v7), and would like to add a pushpin on mouse-click ... var mapSettings = { 'credentials': 'myCredentials', 'mapTypeId': Microsoft.Maps.MapTypeId.road, 'enableSearchLogo': false, …
2 answers

Windows Phone 8.1 MapTileSource binding with MVVM

I'm trying to bind the DataSource of a MapTileSource to a property on my view model, but I am getting the error REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG on the Maps:MapTileSource line (underlined in blue is VS editor). I could always use a binding helper to achieve the…
Paul Abbott
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1 answer

Silverlight - Add Pushpin to Bing Maps via C#

I'm getting started with the Silverlight Bing Maps control. How do I add a Pushpin to a map programmatically with C#? Thank you!
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1 answer

How to set the opacity of Tile Sources in Nokia Maps for WP8?

I want to take advantage of some of the new features of the Windows Phone 8 Nokia Maps API (Microsoft.Phone.Maps.Controls namespace). I have a sequence of TileSource classes, each with a different image. I play the images back in a loop on the…
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2 answers

Who pays the bill for Bing Maps API calls?

I reference this MSDN resource on Bing Maps on Bing Maps API usage reports. As developers we usually register for Bing Maps key and embed it within wp7 apps when using Bing Maps controls. I happen to use this API WS: ReverseGeocode, which is…
Julius A
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2 answers

How to integrate Microsoft Bing Map Navigation functionality to iPhone application?

I have studied about Microsoft Bing Map Navigation. There is iOS support and sdk available at Can anyone guide me how to use this in my application? My requirement is to create an application…
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