Questions tagged [unreal-engine4]

Unreal Engine 4 is a game engine created by Epic Games. Use this tag for programming related questions. For non-programming related questions, use

Unreal Engine 4 is a game engine created by Epic Games.

Gameplay and engine programming is done in C++ and Blueprints.


1850 questions
1 answer

In UE4, why we need to override the BeginPlay and why we need to call Super::BeginPlay in overridden BeginPlay?

I made some games in unity but I am new to UE4 but i know about c++. why we can't write the functionality in Tick and BeginPlay functions like we do in unity's start and update without overriding? these functions calling behaviour is controlled by…
1 answer

Unreal Engine V4.18 Why does this cause a crash and how could i fix it?

This is code that I'm using for a ammo pickup, the problem is when i walk over the sphere component unreal crashes. I have narrowed the problem down to these two lines (commented) but i don't know how i would fix this. Another problem of mine is…
Rage Games
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UE4 Blueprints - how to make sure an actor wont be created within another actor

So i have an unreal blueprint for a spawnarea collision box, that, spawns actors in it. In the main spawn blueprint(which is just in the event graph) and am spawning actors the Add Child Actor Component in the blueprint, and i want to make sure that…
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2 answers

EQS is not available?

Unreal Engine 4.18.3, Windows 10, C++ or Blueprints, Top Down or Third Person Project. I'm really sorry - I can't add an Environmental Query. It's not available in the AI menu when trying to "Add New" to add an advanced item, it's not in project…
Robert Achmann
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Meshlab Parameterization + Texture from registered rasters crashes every time

I've been trying to do some photogrammetry using visualsfm and meshlab. So far, the visualsfm works astoundingly, and can generate point clouds very easily. But meshlab, this is where the problems start flooding in. I usually start by importing the…
1 answer

Unreal Engine 4 - Importing pixel art and generating collision

Today, I was trying to import pixel art from MagicaVoxel to Unreal Engine. Import is easy without any problems, but when I try to generete collisions, they are really inaccurate. I get best results with Auto Convex Collision tool. I am exporting…
Samuel Tulach
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2 answers

How to add property to Transform category in Unreal Engine 4

Is there any way to introduce a property to the Transform category of an object? For this piece of code: UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "Transform") bool myVar= true; The Unreal property editor creates new Transform tab, instead of appending it…
2 answers

Unreal Engine replace default keyboard shortcuts

I know it seems like a stupid question, but I can't manage to change the default keyboard shortcuts in Unreal Engine (v4.18). What I want to do : I want to navigate in the game preview (when clicking "play") with the keyboard shortcuts that follows…
Rafik Tighilt
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2 answers

constant damage loss in trigger zone, unreal engine 4

How can i damage my FirstPersonCharacter's health constantly while it's in the trigger zone? It loses its damage only when it enters onBeginOverlap on the trigger zone. Here is my blueprint:
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1 answer

Render Material from Desktop Duplication API

I am fairly new to UE4 and C++ but have been a web developer for about 10 years. /lifestory I am attempting to render a material (I think; not sure of the terminology) that can be applied to a plane/cube/flat surface that will act as a duplication…
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1 answer

Unreal Engine 4 installed build fails

I am having trouble making an installed build from the Unreal Engine 4.18 from source. The goal is to be able to make slight changes to the engine and make a build that is easy to deploy to others. The process worked on one machine and now I am…
0 answers

Unreal Engine 4: UShapeComponent gives the error 'identifier is undefined'. What can I do?

I am using Unreal 4.18 and Visual Studio 2017. Using certain class like UShapeComponent, UBoxComponent, USphereComponent gives identifier is undefined error while likes of USceneComponent, UStaticMeshComponent works just fine. What's wrong? Here is…
1 answer

How do I solve a WSAECONNRESET error?

I am using Perforce as part of a small development team. Everyone was able to connect to the P4V client except for one person who gets the following error: TCP receive failed. read: socket: WSAECONNRESET We have deactivated his McAfee firewall and…
Ali El-Hage
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2 answers

Unreal Engine 4.18.2 "no default constructor exists for class "UUserWidget""

I have experienced a strange issue writing the constructor of UUserWidget-inherited class. The problem appears only (checked in several other) in this class. Code: .h .cpp UserWidget.h CompilingResult
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0 answers

Save multiple objects in Unreal Engine

I have a common class GameObject and several of its child classes. Each of them has its own additional variables. When saving a game, I need to save all objects of these classes. I had the idea to save information about each object in JSON and then…
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