Questions tagged [unreal-engine4]

Unreal Engine 4 is a game engine created by Epic Games. Use this tag for programming related questions. For non-programming related questions, use

Unreal Engine 4 is a game engine created by Epic Games.

Gameplay and engine programming is done in C++ and Blueprints.


1850 questions
1 answer

Drawing on one Whiteboard (Render Target) is copied to all Whiteboards?

I'm using the Unreal Engine 4 VR Content Examples where it has a whiteboard you can draw on. It uses render targets to render the line to the canvas. The problem is, when I copy the whiteboard to use somewhere else in the level, it shows the same…
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1 answer

what's the difference between alpha channel and tranparency channel?

I thaught they were the same. But these days I found png and targa textures behaves differently in UE4. Today I read something at Adobe, Alpha channels can contain anything, while transparency is a specific channel relationship. And it says…
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1 answer

Parallel computation with unreal engine 4

I am currently researching the usability of Unreal Engine for a computational intensive project and Google have not been terribly helpful. I need to do some heavy computation, in the background of the game loop, for the project, which is currently…
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1 answer

How to commit project in Unreal Engine to the github

I have a project in Unreal Engine 4 and it's size is 4.5Gb. I want to commit it to the github. Is it any folders, which I can add to the GitIgnore?
Dima Kozyr
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1 answer

Cannot compile unreal engine 4.25 with visual studio 2019.7.2

I get this error below when I try to compile unreal engine version four point twenty five (4.25) with visual studio version twenty nineteen point seven point two. (vs2019.7.2) or (16.7.2). Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.7.2 Does…
Ryan Glen
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2 answers

Spawn actor from class in Unreal Engine using Python

Using Blueprint, I can SpawnActorFromClass with a StaticMeshActor, but with a Python script via the builtin Python Script plugin, unreal.EditorLevelLibrary().spawn_actor_from_class(ue.Class(name='StaticMeshActor'), location, rot) I got: LogPython:…
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1 answer

Why does PlayerController "own" the yaw pitch and roll, but the Character "owns" its location?

I'm new to UE4 and am trying to understand some basics concepts around controlling a character pawn. I'm fumbling around trying to implement some character movement logic. I'm going for the basic WASD to move the character forward, back, side to…
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0 answers

Unreal engine AudioRecord() start error -38 Android

This bug is already confirmed on epic games side, however, is there any fast fix for it for anyone who already faced the same issue? its only happen when the app load for 2nd time. I've debugged it using android studio, and found the AudioRecord()…
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4 answers

Unreal Engine: accessing/saving in-game images to disk without blocking game thread

I am working on an Unreal based open-source UAV simulation (Microsoft AirSim) where I am trying to capture and save images from a camera that's attached to the drone. The image underneath gives an idea of how the game looks like. The rightmost view…
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3 answers

What does "class" mean before parameter?

Unreal Engine generates following function: void AFlyingPawn::SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* InputComponent) { //stuff... } Notice the "class" specifier before the parameter's type. What does it mean?
Shital Shah
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2 answers

USphereComponent and Overlap Events

I seem to be misunderstanding how to implement overlap events on my components. I've created a USphereComponent to follow my character. It's designed to fire overlap events on other nearby Actors that are within the player's…
Nathan Wiles
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0 answers

How to use Unreal 4 ProceduralMeshComponent classes in code?

I was trying to find some examples or documentation as for how to implement functionality using the Unreal 4 ProceduralMeshComponents through code. The documentation of these classes on the website is very sparse and only provides the barest details…
Sai Narayan
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0 answers

Pureweb and VUE application

I have sample VueJS(frontend) application and Unreal Project. I have uploaded the Unreal Project to, after that I can't find the documentation about connectivity the Pureweb to VueJS application for share Unreal Project…
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1 answer

Unreal Engine 4: What is correct way to PAK files, load/mount them and load assets with AssetRegistry in packaged game?

I want to do this: Create and package original game. Then I want to create additional PAK files with new meshes/sounds/animations and blueprints based on blueprint in the original game. Original game should not know anything about additional…
Keri Enviro
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1 answer

Why the UPROPERTY specifiers Visible*/Edit* are used together with BlueprintRead*

Unreal Engine 4 provides three specifiers to control the visibility and editability of an C++ class member exposed to Blueprint via UPROPERTY(). The documentation in the UE4 source code (see also UE4 wiki, UE4 documentation) says the following…
Roi Danton
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