Questions tagged [unreal-engine4]

Unreal Engine 4 is a game engine created by Epic Games. Use this tag for programming related questions. For non-programming related questions, use

Unreal Engine 4 is a game engine created by Epic Games.

Gameplay and engine programming is done in C++ and Blueprints.


1850 questions
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How to create realistic explosion in unreal engine?

I can create explosion like the one in starter content pack but it doesn't look that realistic and also I wanna create large explosion so how can I do that? Something like in Call of duty. link to Tutorials would help.
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Items still not letting me push in github after deleting them

First time asking a question here. I have been using Github and UE4 for a while now and when I have an asset that exceeds the 100mb limit in Github I add it to LFS. However I forgot to add these items (SEE IMAGE BELOW) to LFS and tried to push my…
2 answers

Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints assign by reference

I have an EnemySpawner Blueprint Class that does: EnemySpawner has a Spline Component named "Path" which the Spawned Enemy must follow. For it, Enemy's Blueprint has another Spline Component named "Enemy Path" that must be initialized by the Enemy…
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Add an outline around the outside of an images texture

I am pretty new to UE4 and was wondering if someone might help me out. I have a transparent PNG that I'm loading onto an Image node(?) in my widget and was wondering if anyone knew how I would go about drawing an outline around the texture itself,…
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Can someone help me with reactive sword IK for VR?

The Goal: To have a sword that collides with the environment, but most importantly, other swords. the sword is attached to the hand that is driven by the motion controller The issue: Can't figure out how to calculate hit into wrist/arm IK.(any info…
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UE4 Package Fails When Any Non-Default Plugin is Enabled

When I enable 'Mobile Location Services - iOS Implementation' I can't launch my game on my phone. And It was working fine before. I don't get why!!! My MacBook Pro version Is 10.13.2 I am using Unreal Engine 4.18.2 I have an iPhone 7 with version…
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How to edit AActor pointer through blueprint in unreal engine 4?

I'm a newcomer for unreal engine 4. I'm trying to bind a swith object with a door object, so that I can trigger swith to open the door.The switch class is written by c++ code and the door class is written by blueprint. I added a property in Switch.h…
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UE4 Test if pawn is controlled pawn

I made up a C++ ThirdPersonExample project. I added several ThirdPersonCharacter BP. (TPC BP) I added a variable to the TPC BP. I play as one of the TPC BP's. The other ones are controlled by AI. In Event Graph of TPC BP, on Event BeginPlay, I want…
Robert Achmann
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Do unused unreal starter content affect fps?

I am getting a really terrible fps on epic or high quality. I have a 512mb GPU.I just want a low fps around 30-40.My scene only contains a room having some textures. Do I am expecting more or is there any way to solve this problem.I thought may be…
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Why is my character spawning at a 45 degree angle when I've coded it to be set to 0 degrees?

The title describes my problem, as you can see here my character is spawning at a 45 degree angle. The character always spawns at (0, 0) I have created some code for animations that uses the character's position and desired position to calculate at…
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Unreal engine c++ write delegate OnScreenshotCaptured

I am new to C++. I've wrote code in C# and PHP.Since I am using Unreal engine I am trying to learn C++. For my project I need to make a screenshot in-game and show it immediately so I want to get it as a texture. I made a blueprint node which calls…
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UE4 Can I load .umap into packaged standalone?

I need to load on start .umap files created after packaging standalone version of my app. The problem is that .umap need to be cooked (even when I uncheck Pak flag). How can I solve that? What I want to accomplish is that to build standalone app.…
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Error when opening UnrealEngine

Im new to UnrealEngine but I have worked with unity before. im trying to create a new unreal engine file but I keep getting this error every time I try (Can not compile, basically): The project could not be compiled. Would you like to open it in…
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Extract float32 from TArray

Unreal Engine (C++) Hi, I have a TArray of Bytes from TCP connection. I have 58 Bytes of header and 12 x 4 Bytes of Float32. I need to extract the 12 float32 numbers from my Array Bytes, I have tried this code for extracting the first number but the…
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Missing component tab in blueprint

I can't find the component tabs anymore. It shows here that the component tab is opening but actually it isn't. I've cleared all the window but this tick of components tab still exists. Now my code is broken and I can't link the new tank barrel to…
M. Galaxy
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