Questions tagged [umbraco7]

Umbraco 7 is an open source content management system (CMS) platform for publishing content on the World Wide Web and intranets. It is written in C# and deployed on Microsoft based infrastructure.

Umbraco 7 is the seventh stable release of Umbraco - an open source content management system (CMS) platform for publishing content on the World Wide Web and intranets. It is written in C# and deployed on Microsoft based infrastructure. The open source backend is released under an MIT License while the UI is released under the Umbraco license.


1472 questions
1 answer

Umbraco 7 custom membership and role providers

I went through 10's of documentation and I am doing the right thing but I am sure it is a small detail I am missing. I want to use my own login mechanism to log in my website. the login mechanism is in an Identity server for single sign on. But I…
dori naji
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1 answer

Should umbraco & umbraco_client be checked in to source control?

Just installed the latest Umbraco (7.2.1) package via NuGet. My development environment is as follows: Umbraco is installed installed on IIS8 as shown below and is all up and running. My Visual studio project is set up as shown below (For the…
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2 answers

Umbraco 7 custom cookies

I am running an MVC site along side Umbraco. The MVC site handles its own authentication completely separate to Umbraco, and ASP.NET Forms authentication for that matter. It sets a cookie and uses that internally to keep track of…
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Changing Umbraco 7.1.4 admin URL

I am trying to change the default admin UI URL used in Umbraco to a custom URL. The default URL is simply /umbraco, for example: As an example, I would like the admin UI URL to be: So far, I…
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difference between Umbraco Surface controller and API controller

What is the difference between Surface and API controller for Umbraco? In standard MVC the general rule is: API is used for returning data, that can be consumed by multiple applications. Controller is used for returning views But I am bit unsure…
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1 answer

Umbraco 7.0.2 on Azure Cloud Service - Access to the path 'E:\sitesroot\1\config\applications.config' is denied

I have a Cloud Service running on Azure and i'm trying to add Umbraco as a VirtualApplication to the WebRole: ServiceDefinition.csdef: ... ... It…
0 answers

Umbraco: Custom Examine index with AWS flexible load balancing on EBS

Does anyone have an example of how to get this working? I have a custom indexer, configured in ExamineSettings.config like this:
2 answers

Umbraco media does not have an approved file type

I cannot upload anything other than images using TinyMCE in Umbraco Content. I get an error: Cannot upload this file, it does not have an approved file type I have checked umbracoSettings disallowedUploadFiles, there is no docx…
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Why can I not access UmbracoHelper in my own class

I am trying to get an image from Umbraco in my own class. I can´t understand why I can not use @umbraco helper in my class. I have its namespace defined in the class, such as: using Umbraco.Core.Models; using Umbraco.Web; I can only use…
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1 answer

Mixed languages in umbraco backend

We have an umbraco installation with mixed languages in the backend. When I switch the language for my user to "English (United Kingdom)" or "English (USA)" I still see some german words in the backend, e.g. "Durchsuchen" instead of "Type to…
Ocaso Protal
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3 answers

How do I upgrade Umbraco CMS from using SQL Server CE to an upgraded version of SQL Server?

I would like to upgrade my Umbraco project on my localhost (and eventually my live website) from running on SQL Server CE to either SQL Server 2014 or SQL Server 2016. The reason for the upgrade is simple: I may at some point want to manage a…
Ryan Battistone
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1 answer

How to create an instance of a model that inherits RenderModel inside UmbracoApiController?

I'm using Umbraco CMS. I have the following model: public class LoyaltyPromo : RenderModel { public LoyaltyPromo(IPublishedContent content) : base(content) { } //properties removed for brevity …
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2 answers

Enable Vorto text in Archetype - Umbraco 7

I have Archetype in umbraco 7.4.3 When I set vorto text box in the archetype I get: Its look like the vorto box is disabled. whenever I set the vorto (translated) text box in simple document type it work's perfect
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0 answers

Saving data between steps in the form to complete form later [New Umbraco Forms]

Is it possible to access form data between steps? by triggering a workflow or something without submitting the form? Here is the link to the original post in Umbraco Forum: Original Post Any help will be more than welcome :) Thanks!
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2 answers

Build Errors with umbraco 7.4 visual studio 2013,

I am new to Umbraco. I am trying to build the website using it. Due to some issues i deleted the Umbraco project that i have created. I had back up so i copy and pasted it in visual studio project folder and tried to run. Before execution it show…
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