Questions tagged [membership-provider]

Membership providers provide the interface between Microsoft ASP.NET's membership service and membership data sources. ASP.NET 2.0 ships with two membership providers: SqlMembershipProvider, which stores membership data in Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Server Express databases ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider, which retrieves membership data from Microsoft Active Directory

987 questions
10 answers

Anti forgery token is meant for user "" but the current user is "username"

I'm building a single page application and experiencing an issue with anti-forgery tokens. I know why the issue happens I just don't know how to fix it. I get the error when the following happens: Non-logged-in user loads a dialog (with a generated…
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1 answer

How do I use my own database with SimpleMembership and WebSecurity? What is MVC4 security all about?

I've read everything on this topic I could find, including MSDN articles and SO posts, but I'm still very lost and confused. Questions Please answer the following (briefly, if possible): What is SimpleMembership/SimpleMembershipProvider…
4 answers

How do I create a custom membership provider for ASP.NET MVC 2?

How do I create a custom membership for ASP.NET MVC 2 based on the ASP.NET membership provider?
2 answers

How do you change a hashed password using membership provider if you don't know the current password?

Problem, there's no method: bool ChangePassword(string newPassword); You have to know the current password (which is probably hashed and forgotten).
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18 answers

SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified

Well i have a big problem that i'm trying for days to solve but i could not do it, so i need your help. I have a web application in 4.0 where i implemented custom membership and role providers. When i open the app homepage in it connects to…
2 answers

Custom MembershipProvider in .NET 4.0

There are a few threads here at so about this matter but most of them are outdated and the reference links in them are even more outdated. I got this website which I need to connect to an external sql server (mssql) with it's own table structure,…
Eric Herlitz
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3 answers

Dependency injection and ASP.Net Membership Providers

I am in the process of creating a custom membership provider for an ASP.Net MVC website. The provider is being created as a separate class as part of a bigger library. There is a need for the back-end data store to be flexible as it could be an Xml…
7 answers

Is it possible to change the username with the Membership API

I am using the default sql membership provider with ASP.NET and I would like to provide a page to change the user's username. I believe I am sure I could do this with a custom provider, but can this be done with the default provider? Second part of…
4 answers

Microsoft Membership Provider Vs Custom Provider Vs Complete Custom Login System

I am currently converting a very old, but working classic ASP site to ASP.Net. It has a completely custom written user management system. Whilst it works fine, it really needs a refresh as I want it to be more flexible for some future projects in…
3 answers

How do I setup a Membership Provider in my existing database using ASP.NET MVC?

For some reason, the idea of setting up Membership in ASP.NET MVC seems really confusing. Can anyone provide some clear steps to setup the requisite tables, controllers, classes, etc needed to have a working Membership provider? I know that the Demo…
4 answers

How to add ASP.NET Membership Provider in a Empty MVC 4 Project Template?

I am new in ASP.NET MVC4. I am creating a Empty MVC4 Project Template and trying to add ASP.NET Membership Provider into it but i am not understanding how can I do it. I am searching in Google but all demos are using Internet Application project…
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1 answer

ASP.NET Membership - login works locally, fails on Azure

I'm working on an MVC3 site, and I've got a puzzling problem with ASP.NET Membership. I'm using System.Web.Providers 1.0.1 connected to a SQL Azure database. As it is now, the same username/password that logs me in when running under the Compute…
6 answers

Admin pages to manage membership provider & Role management

Are there any open source projects that provide a front end to membership provider? Something like the one visual studio exposes through it configuration, but one that can be deployed on production. Examples of some of the functionality I…
Quintin Par
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6 answers

having an issue with membership credential verification failed when it shouldn't be using it

Since our website cannot take credit cards directly we are routing the user, with credential and other misc variables, to a 'hosted page' on another site. To go more in detail, this is how the user would access this generally: Go to our site and…
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4 answers

How do I manually set a user's role in ASP.NET MVC?

This project I'm working on requires me to keep a local db of admin users and use an external db for regular users. Anyone who passes authentication in the admin db should be assigned the 'admin' role, and anyone authenticated through the other db…
Colin O'Dell
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