Questions tagged [uisplitview]

DO NOT USE. Use the uisplitviewcontroller tag instead.

101 questions
1 answer

iOS page transition with UISplitViewController

I wanna animate page transitions in a UISplitView. The code I am using is... NSUInteger row = indexPath.row; UIViewController *detailViewController = nil; if (row == 0) { FirstDetailViewController…
Tim Tuffley
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1 answer

How to select single control in UITableView in iOS ipad aap?

I'm very new to iOS development. I have created an split view project using project wizard for my ipad application.Now the problem that i'm facing is that, i want to add three buttons in a cell and want them to tap individually. When i run i run the…
1 answer

Calling a second uitableview from a uisplitview

Im new to IOS programming but doing a bit for practice. I've created this uisplit view fixed my cells up etc...etc... but what im trying to do is drill down to a my second uitable of the splitview. Althought i think i did everything…
1 answer

UInavigation button style

Im working on a UINavigation controller on the iphone...when u click it it pushes a new view...Exactly like your settings on the iphone. The problem is...althought i have done this i cant make it look exactly like the settings of the iphone has…
2 answers

IPad Split View Implement in Another View

I am creating a iPad App and it has several views to load data,but for one view i need to add split view. I dont need split views in other views. They are just detail pages. I search Through the net and found lots of tutorials based on iPad split…
Sameera Chathuranga
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iPad landscape single navigation bar

My app in iPad mode and landscape calls for a single navigation bar its proving troublesome. The idea is that in landscape there wouldnt be 2 separate nav bars for Master and Detail : see below (Images taken from Google Images and modified, not my…
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Alternative to UISplitViewController without need for it to be rootViewController

I was wondering, I need some simple feature like a UISplitViewController where i have a master-detail navigation. I can't use a UISplitViewController as it requires to be associated as root view controller. I need to have this called modally within…
1 answer

adding a view to UISplitViewController in Storyboard, Xcode

in my application i have a UISplitView, but before this gets loaded I need to display a page where the user enters some details and then clicks okay to display the spitView. I have tried dragging a view controller from the object library on the…
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Refreshing master window in a splitview app (Titanium)

I am doing a Splitview App for iPad, I have to refresh my tableview (that is in my master _window) each time the user clicks on a button (this button is in the master_window but on another JavaScript file). How can I do this?
1 answer

SplitView how to change the min-width before split

SplitView works well with jQuery Mobile. But apparently adapted to iPad. Actually, I'm working on a 7 inch tab and I would like the splitview to display starting about 300px. I tried to change the min-width in the "splitview.css" file but it does…
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1 answer

IOS - Resize width masterview in uisplitview using storyboard

I don't know how to change width masterview in splitview, now this is fix width 320px, I wanna resize down width 100 or 200px, I wonder how to change this. Thanks in advance.
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