Questions tagged [uisplitview]

DO NOT USE. Use the uisplitviewcontroller tag instead.

101 questions
1 answer

searchBar from UISearchController not showing correctly on split view on iPad

Today I migrated my code from UISearchDisplayController (deprecated in iOS 8) to UISearchController and the search bar now is not always showing correctly. I'm using a UISplitViewController that is ALWAYS showing the master column (so also on an…
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UISplitView showDetailViewController: not working on a device

I have a home page and when a certain button is pressed, it takes you to a split view with a table on the left (master) side and a view showing details on the right (detail) side. The app is working fine on the simulator, but when I run on my iPad…
2 answers

How to update a detailView in a splitViewController?

I'm trying to update a detailView in a splitViewController. This is what I try: //Get the application delegate AppDelegate *delegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]; //Get the masterViewController MasterViewController *master =…
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How to hint where to show a view in MvvmCross with SplitView

My MvvmCross app uses a custom presenter that creates a SplitView when run on an Ipad. Both master and detail contain a navigation controller. This works fine except that I don't know how to hint the system where I want the next view to show. I have…
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Split View Controller without nib/xib files

I have a class of NSObject through which i'm trying to add a SplitViewController. I have two files named as "Master" and "Detail" but without xib's. I want to create a split view controller using these files. I have tried adding them as the normal…
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UIWebView doesn't resize webpage in splitview detailController

I'm developing a universal iOS app for iPhone and iPad. I'm having some trouble with the splitview in the iPad app. In the detailController there's a UIWebView where I load a webpage that should autoresize(that's in the css from the webpage). In…
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How to create a sidebar in jQuery Mobile Websites?

I want to simply create a sidebar like the one on the jQuery Mobile Demo Docs here. I have read this question and didn't quite understand on how to implement it. The point is, I'm making a website using jQuery Mobile for big screens, like Desktops,…
Arjun Bajaj
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UISplitview Initial state within tabbarcontroller in portrait

I have a similar problem as stated in this thread: iPad UISplitView initial state in portrait: how to display popover controller widget? The issue is that when my app starts in portrait mode the button for the masterview of the splitview does not…
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How to shrink a UISplitView

I've seen apps that place a colorful border or image around split view controls. To me, it looks like these apps add an image to the window, and then resize the split to be slight smaller then the screen. How to change background graphic/theme in…
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Reduce size of TableView in UITableViewController

I'm showing a splitview within a tabbar app. In every split view, master is a UITableViewController (with Freeform size). My Custom tabBar is 1024 x 80 px (always landscape mode), and I'd like to reduce (80-49) px from master & detail that my custom…
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Push a view controller from root to detail view controller (SplitView)

My splitview contains UITable (Masterview) and tabbar with navigationcontroller on each tabbaritem (Detailview). What I want to have is when I click on tablerow in Masterview, it will push a new view in detail view controller. I wrote this iteration…
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Multiple Views in iPad

Trying to open a second detail view from a detail view controller in a split view controller. Not even having any luck amending Apple's MultipleDetailViews sample project. -(IBAction)subViewButtonClicked { UIViewController…
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how to change the master and detail in UISplitViewController - iOS 11

I created an application in which I have a UISpliеViewController, also the master section has a tabbar. In the tabbar I have three controllers. When I click on the second item tabbar in portrait orientation, I have a controller called News. But when…
1 answer

Add a button on top (floating) of UISplitView - Swift

My app contains only one UISplitViewController. Now I want to add a floating button on top of the window. But it is not possible to use the storyboard to drag a button to the UITableViewController of the master view, because by default, the master…
T D Nguyen
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Swift 3 how to present splitview controller modally?

Hi I'm trying to present UiSplitViewController from UiViewController. I'm doing some search in UiViewController and based on result I display UiSplitViewController. How can I do it programatically? So far I tried 3 methods after…
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