Questions tagged [uisplitview]

DO NOT USE. Use the uisplitviewcontroller tag instead.

101 questions
1 answer

What IOS approach/control for dragging the point two UIViews meet? (example mockup included)

Question What IOS approach is recommended (or is there an IOS control for this I'm not aware of) to allowing the user to drag the spit between two UIView up and down? Say there is View A at the top of the screen and View B at the bottom (within a…
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iPhone/iPad universal app will not build for iPhone

I have made my application universal for iPhone and iPad (window-based application; universal) from scratch. First I made all logic and views for iPhone and it worked. After that I created views for iPad. That worked to. But when I implemented…
Borut Tomazin
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How to open UIViewcontroller from a UISplitViewController (left side tableview)?

I have one UISplitView Controller and on left side i can see UISplitView tableview part and right hand side i can UIViewController view. I added one UIBarButton to UITableViewController (navigationbar) and when i clicked on UIBarButton (on left…
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How to popup a new view on top of a UISplitView

I have a split view based iPad application. I need to popup a new view that takes over full screen. How do I do that?
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getting wrong center of frame for detail view for UISplitView

learning SWIFT. I can't seem to access bounds from my view... no matter what platform I work in the bounds return the same values (600,600). I have a graphView : UIView & controller embedded in a navigationController as the Detail of a…
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UITableViewController on UISplitView. Why does drill down stay on 1st table? (using monotouch)

I'm using the UISplitView in my app with the left side (popover in portrait) utilizing a UITableViewController. I want to reuse the master table controller so when I want to drill down I create a new instance of the object and push that. However,…
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How to control the back button navigation in iPad (UISplitViewController)ios xcode

I have used the following code for deleting my login page from the navigationcontroller(viewcontrollers) so that it will not come into the view again when going back (back button). if(UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) { …
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Problems loading UIWebView

I'm attempting to write a SplitView control program in which pressing a table cell in the masterViewController causes an associated web page to load in the detail view controller. I have the following method in the detail view controller that I can…
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Changing MasterViewController width in UISplitViewController iOS 8 iPhone not working

So I am trying to build an iPhone app that uses a SplitView for the main screen Similar to the app Lyft or like basically this controller I have set up the following storyboard (I am not using…
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Cell content of a Table View that is part of UISplitView is not being rendered

Here is some background to the issue. I've been looking at it for the past two days and to my knowledge everything is properly configured. To make sure that we are on the same page with versions that are being used I am using the following: Xcode…
Angel Naydenov
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iOS ,UiSplitViewController Doesn't run with AppDelegate

i create one Main-iPad.Storyboard with Split View Controller Windows and App Delegate here are my app Delegate.h IBOutlet UISplitViewController * rootcontroler; UIWindow *window; here are my app Delegate.m -…
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Background color of opaque navigation bar

I have very strange trouble, on my mind, with background color of navigation bar. I have splitview with master and detail. So master navigation bar is opaque #1C4E65 color. When i set this color as a tint color of UIView, then colors is different. I…
1 answer

Receiver () has no segue with identifier ''

![enter image description here][1]Before posting I have read questions with similar issues but their fix didnt work for me hence my posting. i am having an issue with an app and i was advised to use storyboards to fix it. As a result i followed this…
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UISplitView with multiple ViewControllers in DetailView (storyboard)

i'am looking for a solution to have a UISplitView with multiple ViewControllers inside the DetailView(rightView of the UISplitView). The example of apple works fine but uses nib file instead of storyboards.…
2 answers

Write content of NSURL to an array

I have a program that retrieves data from a link and i write it out to the Log like this. NSURL *getURL=[NSURL URLWithString:@"link.php"]; NSError *error=nil; NSString *str=[NSString stringWithContentsofURL:getURL encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding…
Sleep Paralysis
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