Questions tagged [detailview]

A DetailView displays a read-only view of a particular record. This terminology is usually associated with CRM's such as SugarCRM, SuiteCRM, and Web framework such as Django.

A DetailView displays a read-only view of a particular record. Usually, this is accessed via the list view. The DetailView generally displays the details of the object itself and related items.

This terminology originally came from SugarCRM.

To learn more about the DetailView as it relates to different framework's:

274 questions
3 answers

Pass data through segue

I'm doing simple iOS application with tableview controller and detailView. All I want is to pass data through segue. this is how it looks. All I want is that u click on "Markíza" it will open URL video number 1 and if u click on "TV JOJ" it will…
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Yii2: Remove "(not set)" in GridView and DetailView for null values

How can I remove or replace strings (not set) in my GridView and ListView?
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Send data from TableView to DetailView Swift

I'm trying to do maybe one of the simplest and more confusing things for me until now I wanna develop my own App , and in order to do it I need to be able to passing some information depending of which row user click (it's Swift lenguage) We have a…
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To Segue or to didSelectRowAtIndexPath?

Below is the code that I am currently running. I have a storyboard setup with a nav controller and tableview controller and a view controller. I am trying to pass the name from the NSDictionary that I have setup for the Table to the detail view…
3 answers

TypeError object is not iterable

I am getting the following error when trying to loop over a variable in my Django templates. The variable in question is the related object of the model specified in my DetailView subclass: TypeError at /en/applicants/50771459778/ 'Householdmember'…
Shafique Jamal
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How do I redirect from a Django DetailView when the specified object doesn't exist?

So, right now when my DetailView subclass doesn't find an object using the PK (which is taken from the URL), I see the 404.html template page. What I'd rather do is just redirect to another URL. Here's my url patterns: url(r'^(?P[0-9]+)/$',…
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Django: Implementing a Form within a generic DetailView

After working through several google search result pages, I am still desperately stuck at the same problem. I am trying to implement a comment field underneath a blog post. I am thankful for any hints and advice! I am working on a Blog in Django…
8 answers

iOS 13 UISplitView Problems

On iOS 13 Beta 5, I currently have problems with my UISplitView on iPhones. My app starts with the detailsview off my splitview not with my masterview (look at the picture) Does anyone know how i can fixed this problem under iOS 13? On iOS 12…
Sebastian R.
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Changing value of an attribute in DetailView widget

I have a table named Play and I'm showing details of each record in Yii2 detail view widget. I have an attribute in that table recurring which is of type tinyint, it can be 0 or 1. But I don't want to view it as a number, instead i want to display…
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How to open view controller from didSelectRowAtIndexPath within storyboard?

I have a storyboard with tabbarcontroller. One of tab bar has a tableview and I want that when the user tap in a row from tableview open a detail view. The problem is when I open detail view tab bar and navigation bar hides... In the storyboard I…
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How to show has many relation record in Yii2 GridView and DetailView?

I want to show staff has many hobbies from table hobbies in detail view and gridview. But I got an error exception Trying to get property of non-object Here's my schema code model: app\model\TblDataStaff .... public function…
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1 answer

Set default Detail View Controller when nothing is selected in iPad in Swift (in Split View Controller)?

I want to know that how can I set an default Detail View Controller when nothing is selected in master view controller in iPad in Swift. For example, if the app just load inside and user didn't select anything, the detail view controller will be…
He Yifei 何一非
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1 answer

Create View reverse to DetailView

I am trying to reverse from CreateView to DetailView after I have uploaded my Image. I get the same message NoReverseMatch at /photo/image/add Reverse for 'image-view' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{'pk': 50}' not found. 0 pattern(s)…
1 answer

django: DetailView: self.object raises an error when called from the method post, but it does work when called from the method get_context_data

I created a class that inherits from DetailView, and I overrided the methods get_context_data and post. What it seems weird as mentioned in the title, is that I can call self.object from get_context_data but I can't from post so I had to use…
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1 answer

How to join 3 tables in query with Django class Employee(models.Model): emp_no = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True) first_name = ... last_name = ... # emp_no first_name last_name ------ ---------- ---------- 10005 Christian Erde class…
Jason TK
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