Questions tagged [tabbarcontroller]

289 questions
4 answers

self.title sets navigationController and tabBarItem's title? Why?

I do this in a UIViewController for one of my tabs: self.title = @"Welcome"; However, it's overwriting whatever I have for the tabBarItem. I have tried: self.tabBarItem.title = @"Home"; and [self.tabBarItem initWithTitle:@"Home" image:[UIImage…
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Trying to add 3rd tab to tabBarController

I'm trying to add a 3rd tab to the tabBarController using ios5. The standard object you get when you drag it out to your storyboard has 2 tabs. Does anyone know how to do this? I searched the internet and all examples start with their…
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4 answers

iphone tab bar controller and core data

Ok bit of a newbie type question. I want to use Core Data, together with Tab and Navigation controllers. In XCode if I create a Navigation Based Application I get the option to choose Core Data. Whereas If I create a Tab Bar Application I don't…
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8 answers

hiding TabBar when rotating iPhone device to landscape

So here is what i have: A UITabBarController that handles different UIViewControllers. In one of the UIViewController i am trying to switch the view being displayed when the device rotates to landscape. the important part is that the view displayed…
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1 answer

How to display the UIActionSheet view from above Tab Bar Controller?

I need to display the action sheet above the Tab Bar controller. I mean, I would be able to see the Tab Bar controller even the action sheet view is in visible mode. So, Please suggest how to view from above the Tab Bar controller. Is it…
Madan Mohan
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6 answers

Passing data from view controller to tab bar controller in iOS

I'm developing an iOS app and now I'm at a loss. I'm trying to pass data from the first View Controller to the first tab of a TabBarViewController (with using the storyboard). I found a lot of tutorials that explain how to pass data between view…
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1 answer

change tab bar item image in swift programatically

I am working on an app in Xcode. I currently have three tabBarItems on my tab bar. I want the middle one to be a picture chosen by the user. I have the desired picture in a variable and i have the tabbar.swift set up to put the code in. I just need…
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1 answer

How can I open a specific Tab View from AppDelegate

My root view is a tab bar controller, I would like to open the app on a specific tab when a certain notification is received. If I use presentViewController the tab bar disappears. Is there a specific way to do this?
Mr Mike
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3 answers

No top navigation bar in a tab bar controller application

I'm pretty new in iphone programming and have stumbled upon this issue which I guess should be pretty basic stuff. I am using a tab bar application created from a template in XCode IOS 5.1. It works fine and creates 3 screens in the storyboard (tab…
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1 answer

Modify title and icon of a uitabbarcontroller item

How can I modify the title and the icon of items of TabBarController? It is possible directly in Interface Builder?
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3 answers

Adding a TabBarController programmatically

I want to make a tab bar controller and navigation controller programmatically. My code works so far that it shows a tab bar at the bottom, but the OptionViewController doesn't say anything (no title) on the button of the second tab bar. The funny…
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4 answers

Custom action when clicking on UITabBarController

I have a Tab Bar Controller with four navigation controllers added to it. The navigation controllers appear as Tab Bar Items in the Tab Bar Controller. Now I want to add a fifth button to the tab bar, that does not open another view, but triggers…
3 answers

Communicating between 2 ViewControllers in Tab Bar Controller Project

I'm using a Tab Bar Controller in my project where the FirstViewController has a Mapbox map view and the SecondViewController has buttons that when pressed add a tile layer to the map view. Here's what I've tried. It creates error ***Use of…
2 answers

No mainwindow.xib in Xcode 4 Confused how to have my TabBarController use a NavigationController

This was pretty easy in Xcode 3. But I'm totally lost in Xcode 4.* It looks like IB is not used at all. And all the TabBarController code is in code. Question: How do I add a NavigationBarController to the default code that Xcode generates when…
Edward Potter
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5 answers

iOS State Restoration of UITabBarController Does Not Restore Child View Controllers or Selected Index

(This is my first time asking a question on StackOverflow, so forgive me if there are issues) My problem comes down to not being able to properly restore the state of a UITabBarController. This is a tab-based application and I am not using…
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