Questions tagged [twilio-twiml]

For anything related to Twilio's TwiML (Twilio Markup Language)

For anything related to Twilio's TwiML (Twilio Markup Language)

512 questions
2 answers

Recording a Twilio call including play verb before dial verb

When we receive a call, we play a prompt to the caller that says something along the lines of "we may record the call for quality and training purposes". The TWiML we send in response to the incoming call is the following.
Greg Fox
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3 answers

Slow down Twilio's TwiML "Say" command for text-to-speech numbers

I've created a Twilio application that involves using Twilio's TwimL command to read off a list of numbers that constitute an ID that the user has previously input (e.g., 3638194746219190 or something along those lines). Since it's a long…
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3 answers

Why can't my ASP.NET Core 2 method return TwiML?

I have an ASP.NET Core 2 application and I'm trying to forward a call made to a Twilio number to another number. When I try to return TwiML I get an error that says: "Non-invocable member 'TwiML' cannot be used like a method." Here's the…
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1 answer

How do I forward a Twilio number to a VoIP phone?

Twilio noob + VoIP noob here, so brace yourself for a double-dumb question. I have a local Twilio number that currently points to a text-to-speech voicemail greeting. I get a lot of hang-ups (empty voicemail messages), so I would prefer to start…
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2 answers

twilio App to App calling is not working

I have setup TwiMl on eroku in Python. When I call user A from user B, user A didn't get call and VOIP also, while user B is got bot message like "thanks for calling". When I try to placeCall to user B from PostMan, user B gets call and also got bot…
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1 answer

Twilio: TwiML verb not ending call

I've recently run into an issue with the TwiML verb. I have a simple setup that works as follows: I have a Twilio number setup to receive incoming calls, and configured to use a TwiML bin that is as follows:
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7 answers

Unable to send xml response with serverless framework

I'm working with twilio in which when call comes to my twilio number it invokes webhook, I'm using lambda function as webhook, twilio expects xml(formerly called twiml) response from webhook and i'm unable to send xml response from lambda…
3 answers

twilio javascript api through get call sid is that possible?

I have trying to establish a call with javascript client: function call() { // get the phone number or client to connect the call to params = {"PhoneNumber": $("#number").val()}; Twilio.Device.connect(params); } In incoming call back api…
Pratik Bhiyani
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2 answers

Twilio: respond to incoming call by ringing forever

When a Twilio number receives an incoming voice call, what TwiML can I use so that the phone continues ringing indefinitely? In certain circumstances, I want to pretend that the phone is ringing but there's nobody around to answer it and there's no…
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1 answer

How best to signal dequeue caller that call is now bridged with Twilio?

I have a call queue that I am servicing with agents who are mobile (cell phones or at home after hours) and will get paged when a call is in the queue. They dial the number which connects them to the queue and passes the awaiting user the url…
Jim Hankins
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3 answers

How can I generate a half second pause in TwiML?

I'm trying to use Twilio's verb to pronounce a sequence of digits clearly. I'm finding it is hard to generate a natural (half-second) pause between each digit. How do I do this correctly? The xml command only takes integer values for…
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1 answer

Playing music in a call with Twilio

How can you play music in a call with (preferably) a TwiML XML file? I have gotten so far as: PHONE NUMBER AUDIO FILE URL but it waits…
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2 answers

Twilio multiple push credential sid

I'm trying to implement Twilio swift quick start app, anyway I want to configure the app on both platforms iOS and Android, I reached step 8 in the iOS tutorial and I have a new PUSH_CREDENTIAL_SID for the iOS from the APN type, while the Android…
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1 answer

Adding multiple people to a conference call from caller Twilio

I read lots of articles about Twilio conference call. I created a php function which creates a Twilio conference which can add any one who have access to that link to the Conference with this link. so then I read this article about Dialing Multiple…
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1 answer

How can I use Twilio for "pass-through" SMS exchanges?

For some reason, I'm having a very tough time understanding how the Twilio model works; as a result, I'm trying to code a solution by guessing (something I hate doing.) I hope someone can help with the confusion. I've already set up a forwarder so…
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