Questions tagged [twilio-api]

Twilio provides a bunch of APIs for services like Chat, Voice, SMS, Fax. Any issues or problem faced related to those APIs, this tag will be used.

The Twilio REST API allows you to develop Chat applications, Applications with SMS, Fax and Voice capabilities. There are separate micro-services (REST API group) and SDKs hosted on twilio site and any issues related to the API and SDK can be tagged using this Tag.

1806 questions
1 answer

Twilio TaskRouter JS SDK not working

According to Twilio Docs I'm trying develop a Call-center Application But The TaskRouter JS v1.13/taskrouter.min.js Not supporting as twilio explain in document…
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3 answers

I'm getting error Upgrade Required while integrating twilio whatsapp in c#

This is the error I am getting while trying to send the message. An unhandled exception of type 'Twilio.Exceptions.ApiException' occurred in Twilio.dll Additional information: Upgrade Required My code is: const string accountSid =…
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React Native Twilio Android Errors

I've been trying to debug this for a while but can't come up with anything. The app uses this react native twilio library. Everything works great on iOS, but in Android, after creating a call, I get what looks like an infinite loop stating the…
Nader Dabit
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1 answer

Is Twilio API_KEY_SECRET is same as the Twilio Auth Token in console?

I am trying to use Twilio Video for which I need to obtain access tokens(jwt) from my app server. Below is the NodeJS app server code that generates an Access token. In the below credentials, API_KEY_SECRET is required, I thought this is same as…
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Can we do VOIP push notification using Twilio iOS SDK?

I have to implement App to App functionality using Twilio iOS SDK. I have successfully implemented voice calls when the app is running. Now I am facing a problem when the app is killed. How can I get VOIP push notifications for an incoming call? I…
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4 answers

Twilio REST API error - "Authenticate"

I'm getting the following error when I try to place calls using the Twilio REST API. HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Server: nginx Date: Thu, 10 May 2012 16:50:48 GMT Content-Type: application/xml Connection: close…
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2 answers

C# Twilio retrieve composition media

I'm trying to download a composition media file into my hard drive using the following code: try { var uri = "" + sid + "/Media?Ttl=6000"; var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri); …
Mo Sadeghipour
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1 answer

Get Twilio Chat User Channels sorted by last activity or unread count?

We are developing a chat system where users can be in many chat rooms, and I'd like to be able to show the most recent channels first. This could be either by the time the last message was sent, or even by the number of unread messages, as long as…
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Twilio Chat API, getUnconsumedMessagesCount always 0

I'm trying to get the number of messages unread for a specific member in a specific channel. To do this I was hoping to use channel.getUnconsumedMessagesCount() as defined in the documentation. myChannel.join() .then(function(c) { …
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Twilio blacklist rule fatal error

I am using twilio to send bulk sms messages. Let's say some customer decided that they don't want to receive messages anymore so they reply with "stop" and that will add them to the black list. I am hard coding the phone numbers because I am still…
Hussam Hallak
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2 answers

How to disable automated SMS responses in Twilio?

In March I opened a website that provides people with temporary numbers to be used to receive SMS verifications etc. I've just logged in to the account and realised that I've received a ton of charges for outbound SMS. They appear to be a default…
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3 answers

How to transfer phone number from master account to subaccount

I have read the tutorial in twilio but its not quite clear. Can someone lay down the step by step procedure please? Here is what I got from twilio: Exchanging Phone Numbers Between Accounts You can transfer numbers between subaccounts, and between…
Yvonne Lopez
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Unconsumed Message Count return null in active channel

Hi I am working in chat base application by using Twilio Programming chat in android But facing a strange issue .I have bottom navigation where i display Total Unread count of chat and chat listing where user see individual unread count of each…
Abdul Wahab
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1 answer

Handling network errors with axios and Twilio

I have an application that uses axios for it's ajax requests. When a user experiences a network issue (for example, their wifi goes out and they no longer have an internet connection while on my application), I want to make sure that only the first…
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3 answers

What does the 's' of Twilio API's sid stand for?

In Twilio's API docs, sid is frequently used, for example, workflowSid. Does the sid means secure id or not? I did some search with no obvious answer. Could anyone please point out what does sid means?
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