Questions tagged [treegrid]

A graphical user interface element that presents data in tree view.

A graphical user interface element that presents data in tree view.

272 questions
2 answers

ExtJs TreeGrid with editor column. Exists?

I need an ability to edit values in a grid column of a treegrid. Simply adding a editor to the column's config didn't helped. I'm using ExtJs4 treepanel component. Any ideas?
Andrey Selitsky
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1 answer

How to make dojo treeGrid categorized by two columns?

I have a simple dojo treeGrid that is categorized just by first column. But how to make it categorized/collapsible by second as well? Note the treeGrid has totals shown in each category. Also, is there a way to move totals to the category level but…
John Glabb
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7 answers

is there any similar treegrid similar to jqGrid Treegrid but supports frozen columns

I like using jqGrid treegrid but there is one feature that i absolutely need which is frozen columns. Is there any similar quality product that supports frozen columns. I know that jqgrid supports frozen columns in the regular grid (but not the…
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What is Dojo treegrid expand/collapse event?

I have a very large treeGrid (~2000 elements in one node). And it seems to be frozen when I click [+] to expand it. I want to change mouse cursor state to 'wait' once clicked, but then to 'default' once expanded. Assume I can put it in onRowClick or…
John Glabb
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2 answers

Leaf/Child Nodes of a SmartGWT TreeGrid do not show Folder icon to expand them

I have a requirement to fetch the child records of a tree node on expanding it using the "+" sign of the folder. If any particular node doesnt have children the "+" sign should vanish. This requirement is similar to the one in link But some how this…
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1 answer

jqgrid treegrid custom css-class for each tree-level

I have a deep tree and for user it's difficult to distinguish the levels. Is it possible to have custom css-classes for each level? For example firstlike h1 and bold, second bold ...
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DOJO: Lazy loading nodes in LazyTreeGrid - looking for example code

I'm looking for an example of how to use QueryReadStore (or some other store) with dojox.grid.LazyTreeGrid ? I want to be able to display big structures and load only necessary required data from server. Only children of open nodes should be loaded…
Sebastian Dusza
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0 answers

How to add custom columns in Nebular TreeGrid?

In Nebular Tree Grid, how to add custom columns that aren't really linked to data? eg: add, edit, delete columns. I've just assigned them to properties of my class (ref, city, address), but what if the class definition didn't have "spare"…
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1 answer

Jqgrid Tree View Adjacencey

I am using Jqgrid Tree View model in ma application and what i can see is that it shows error as object or property is not supported i have included grid.Treeview.js and other Jqgrid script file. I dont know what can be the issue. And when i…
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4 answers

jqGrid tree grid with pager

How do we make a tree grid with pager using jqGrid? I have checked and try the demos, but it didn't show any pager, even though there is a pager div in the code How do create the pager ?
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1 answer

TreeGrid how to check/uncheck all child sublevels checkboxes when marks parent

I have built treeGrid with embedded checkbox in column "name", such as JSON data : {"id":"1","name":"
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2 answers

ExtJs 4.1 TreeGrid Filter through Column Headers

I've been searching around and looking into the documentation, but I'm not sure how to activate filtering via the column drop down the way you have it in normal grid panels. I've tried to implement the ux.Grid.FilterFeatures but when I apply it to…
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2 answers

How to center the "Loading data . ." message in the visible screen in jqgrid treegrid?

I have a jqGrid treegrid with about 40 columns so there is a large horizontal scroll bar (depending on the size of the browser). The issue is since the width is so large, when the page loads or i do a filter, etc, you don't see the popup "Loading…
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1 answer

How can i get the cell value from jqGrid column to do conditional formatting for backcolor

i am using jqGrid treegrid and i want to format the back color of columns based on the value of the data in the cell (its an integer): Here is an example where I setup the column: { name: 'missingBooks', …
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2 answers

JqGrid Treegrid sorting issue

I hope you can help me, I have a structure like this: - root A -child_A1 -child_A1_1 -child_A1_2 -child_A1_3 -child_A2 -child_A2_1 -child_A2_2 -child_A2_3 - root B - child_B1 …
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