Questions tagged [dojox.grid]

Data Grid module of Dojo Toolkit (a JavaScript toolkit).

245 questions
2 answers

How to get URL parameters with Dojo toolkit

I need know how can get a parameter from the URL. I mean if have page1.html?id=12345 I need to get the id from the URL, I know that in jQuery is $.url.param("id"); But in Dojo how it is done?
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How to make dojo treeGrid categorized by two columns?

I have a simple dojo treeGrid that is categorized just by first column. But how to make it categorized/collapsible by second as well? Note the treeGrid has totals shown in each category. Also, is there a way to move totals to the category level but…
John Glabb
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1 answer

Widgets inside dojo dgrid

Our company moved from dojox/DataGrid to dgrid some time back. Now we are finding out, dgrid doesn't seem to support dijit/dojox widgets out of the box. dojox/DataGrid has a formatter() that can return a widget. So easy to doo it there! The API…
Gaurav Ramanan
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6 answers

How to refresh datagrid

I create dojox.grid.datagrid and I fill content from array like on example last example on page. During time, I change value of that array in code. How to refresh content of that grid ? How to load new data from changed array ?
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How to focus second Cell when add a new row in dojo.gridX

I am using dojo.gridx to display my values. Sometimes user can create a new row. So that I have added a new button when click newRow button, will call onclick method. In that method has create new row codes. My codes are below. addRow: function()…
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Making Dojo Grid sort with Spring and JSON

So I've got a webapp that uses Dojo and Spring. I've got some grids in the app that are loaded using Json dojo stores. Things seem alright, but I'm now trying to implement sorting. According to this link dojo does not sort grids from Stores, instead…
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How do you conditionally style a cell in a Dojo data grid?

Essentially what I want to do is to apply additional CSS classes to individual cells in a data grid based on the value of the cell. An example would be to color the text red when a dollar value is negative. The only solution I've found was to use…
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Dojo Enhanced Grid with JSONREST issues

I'm trying to use a enhanced grid with Dojo JSONREST and i'm running into some issues. I've been looking up some examples but can't figure out how to do what i need. In the code below my rest service takes two parameters, and the query on the…
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1 answer

How to Focus inthe First Cell of a Newly-Added Row in a dojox.grid.DataGrid

I am adding a new blank row to a dojox.grid.DataGrid, and want to focus in the first cell of the new row. I add the row by calling: var new_row = {}, attributes = store.getAttributes( items[0] ); dojo.forEach( attributes, function( attribute ) { …
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2 answers

dojox.enhancedGrid get Selected Row

How can I get the Selected Row Object of dojox.enhancedGrid ? I am using selectionMode: 'single' e.g. with Radio Buttons. dijit.byId("gridViewWidget").selection.selectedIndex Returns the rowIndex. But how to get the rowObject of that Index ? I can…
Neel Basu
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How to create a new widget for dojox.grid.cells.dijit?

I am trying to create a button widget for dojox.grid. My problems are: 1) The button is only shown when I double click the grid. 2) I can't figure out how to set attributes through declarative markup. It seems that the markupFactory function is…
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setSelected() in dojo DataGrid leaves previous selection active even for grid with selectionMode="single"

I have a dojox.grid.DataGrid where I want to select a row programmatically. I'm using setSelected() to do so and it works the first time. However, calling it a second time for a different row leaves the previous row highlighted. Also, if I try to…
Kevin Beck
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3 answers

Show/Hide or Toggle a Dojo Grid

What is the best way to show/hide a Dojo data Grid? I am coding a page that needs some user input before it displays a data grid. So, ideally, the grid section of the page should be blank/empty when the page loads. Once the user provides specific…
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1 answer

How to get actual DOM node for a Dojo Grid cell given row and col index?

I am using the Dojo EnhancedGrid, and this problem ONLY occurs when another cell is being edited on the same row and I click to a new cell: In both the onRowClick(e) and onCellClick(e) events under this circumstance, the DOM node passed in for the…
Roberto Olivares
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2 answers

Dojo DataGrid filter using an AndOrReadStore - what am I doing wrong?‏

I have the following code working with a DataGrid that has two column Column_A and Column_B respectively: grid.filter({Column_A: '*test*', Column_B: '*'}, true) This code works fine and finds all rows where Column_A has the word test in it... now,…
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