Questions tagged [tqdm]

Questions related to progress bar tqdm usage in Python or shell.

tqdm is a Python progress bar working both under Python scripts and Unix-like shells.


392 questions
3 answers

Is there a chunksize argument for read_excel in pandas?

I'm trying to create a progress bar for reading excel data into pandas using tqdm. I can do this easily with a csv using the chunksize argument like so: data_reader = pd.read_csv(path, chunksize = 1000) for row in…
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1 answer

How to make a progress bar on a web page for pandas operation

I have been googling for a while and couldn't figure out a way to do this. I have a simple Flask app which takes a CSV file, reads it into a Pandas dataframe, converts it and output as a new CSV file. I have managed to upload and convert it…
Logan Yang
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7 answers

How to "flush" tqdm progress bar explicitly?

I often see, that tqdm progress bar is broken by other print, like: 93%|█████████▎| 28/30 [00:02<00:00, 13.44it/s]Subject S9 100%|██████████| 30/30 [00:02<00:00, 12.94it/s] 93%|█████████▎| 28/30 [00:02<00:00, 11.49it/s]Pickling... 100%|██████████|…
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1 answer

How to use tqdm through multi process in python?

I'm trying to use tqdm through multi processes. And the behavior is not as expected. I think the point is that the value of pbar doesn't update through the processes. So how to deal with this problem? I have also tried to use Value to update pbar.n…
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2 answers

How to change tqdm's bar size

I'm using tqdm's progress bar, and I'd like to shorten the bar itself by using an argument to indicate how many progress ticks the bar should have So instead of this Training (16):…
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1 answer

progress bar slows down code by factor of 5 using tqdm and multiprocess

I added a progress bar to my 2.7 python code using tqdm but it has slowed down my code significantly. Without the progress bar for one example it takes 12 seconds while with the progress bar it takes 57 seconds. The code without the progress bar…
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1 answer

how to make a nested tqdm bars on jupyter notebook

Here is an example for nested tqdm bar import time import tqdm for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(3)): for j in tqdm.tqdm(range(5)): print(i," : ", j) I try it on jupyter notebook but it does not show any thing without error! However, it works…
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3 answers

How to disable progress bar in Pytorch Lightning

I have a lot of issues withe the tqdm progress bar in Pytorch Lightning: when I run trainings in a terminal, the progress bars overwrite themselves. At the end of an training epoch, a validation progress bar is printed under the training bar,…
Marc Dumon
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1 answer

Loop break breaking tqdm

The following simple code uses tqdm to display a progress bar while iterating over a loop: import tqdm for f in tqdm.tqdm(range(100000000)): if f > 100000000/4: break It fails when the break is executed: $ python 24%|████▎ |…
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1 answer

How to use tqdm with map for Dataframes

Can I use tqdm progress bar with map function to loop through dataframe/series rows? specifically, for the following case: def example(x): x = x + 2 return x if __name__ == '__main__': dframe = pd.DataFrame([{'a':1, 'b': 1}, {'a':2,…
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2 answers

tqdm and numpy vectorize

I am using a np.vectorize-ed function and would like to see the progress of the function with tqdm. However, I have not been able to figure out how to do this. All the suggestions I have found relate to converting the calculation into a for-loop,…
Avi Vajpeyi
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1 answer

How to add tqdm to show progress bar when downloading you tube video with pytube?

I am learning pytube to download Youtube video and tried tqdm on top of it to show progress bar but it shows various error and also I could not understand what is happening when I download video with pytube and showing progress bar which is the…
3 answers

Keras floods Jupyter cell output during fit (verbose=1)

When running keras model inside Jupyter notebook with "verbose=1" option, I started getting not single line progress status updates as before, but a flood of status lines updated at batch. See attached picture. Restarting jupyter or the browser is…
Poe Dator
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1 answer

Can tqdm be embedded to html?

I want to embed tqdm progressbar to html or at least print it as html tag but i can't find any documention of it. I only find how to print the progressbar in python notebook. Is it possible to embed it in html? Also is it possible to integrate tqdm…
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4 answers

tqdm progressbar and colorama do not work together

I want to use colorama, but I already use tqdm in my code. Example: import colorama as color import tqdm as tqdm # without line it's working print(color.Fore.GREEN + 'Green text') It's working fine without tqdm, but if I import tqdm, colorama…
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