Questions tagged [tqdm]

Questions related to progress bar tqdm usage in Python or shell.

tqdm is a Python progress bar working both under Python scripts and Unix-like shells.


392 questions
2 answers

Is there a way to stop tqdm from spamming in the Command Line?

I just want to download from URL's with a Progress Bar in Python3. The code that I have atm does not stay in one line and instead prints hundreds of new lines.Is there a way to limit it so that it looks cleaner and maybe changet the design ? class…
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1 answer

importing tqdm disables text formatting using termcolor

I think my problem is parallel to this issue I'm using termcolor to format terminal text. termcolor basically just wraps your string in ANSI codes that the terminal then interprets. The snippet from termcolor import cprint cprint('Hello, World!',…
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2 answers

(Python/tqdm) Getting all zeros in timer when working with Pandas

I'm trying to display a progress bar whenever a file is loaded into pandas. But all I get back is this. 0it [00:00, ?it/s] Here is the code I'm working with. I'm importing tqdm based on some examples that I've found. from tqdm import tqdm ... def…
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1 answer

Python - Convert bytes buffer to file size

I'm writing a program that calculates the checksum of a list of files then compares it to a reference file. I'm trying to convert the bytes buffer from the hashfile method into a file size with the same units as os.stat(path).st_size uses so I can…
Simon TheChain
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1 answer

Error when importing the tqdm module in Python

I have a script that imports the Python tqdm module. I can import the tqdm module from a Jupyter notebook, for instance, but not when running the script from the command line. When running the script from the command line, I see the following error…
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1 answer

How to install tqdm on a linux server without internet access?

I am trying to install the python package tqdm on a linux server. However, the said server has no internet access. Hence, I am unable to install it using pip. I am also unable to find the tqdm package in Debian's package index. However, what I am…
Trevor Track
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1 answer

Getch and progressbar

I'm trying to combine the getch and progressbar Python modules on Linux, but I cannot get it to work. I want to use getch to listen for keyboard input to interrupt the progress bar, but when I insert the getch statement, the progress bar refuses to…
Pieter Helsen
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1 answer

How do I update a tqdm progress bar with line size?

I'm trying to load a file in Python2.7 (Ubuntu 16.04), and display the current progress with tqdm: from tqdm import tqdm import os with open(filename, 'r') as f: vectors = {} tq = tqdm(f, total=os.path.getsize(filename)) for line in tq: …
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1 answer

Why is there a huge difference in processing time in resizing images when using tqdm?

I'm resizing my image for my thesis on Google colab. But there's a huge time difference when I'm using tqdm and when I'm not using it. Here's the code when I'm using tqdm: import glob import os from tqdm import tqdm import math from PIL import…
3 answers

Why do I need to "from tqdm import tqdm" instead of just "import tqdm"?

Probably a simple question, but I'm just getting started with Python and try to understand how the library stuff works. So my question is why do I need to type from tqdm import tqdm instead of just import tqdm like with other libraries? I get that…
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1 answer

ImportError: cannot import name 'auto' from 'tqdm'

My Python version is 3.7.0 version To import tensorflow_datasets, import tensorflow_datasets I ran the code, but: ImportError: cannot import name 'auto' from 'tqdm' So, how can I import the auto? When I searched the auto library: ERROR : Could not…
jihye na
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2 answers

Update a print result in a line and update its progressbar at the same time in python

I want to update a print result in a first line and update a progressbar in a second line. I made a python code, but my script prints a text line by line, but not update it in a line. How can I fix it? from tqdm import * import time total_num =…
Ahmed Mamdouh
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1 answer

Progress bar for a while loop that uses conditionals and also for - Python 3

I want to have a progress bar starting before the while loop and ending with it as follows: a = [ '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'] ## This can be 10, 15, 1000 elements b = 5 c = [] timeout = time.time()…
1 answer

Not able to download all the images using request python

I have 1k of image urls in a csv file and I am trying to download all the images from the urls. I don't know why I am not able to download all the images. Here is my code: print('Beginning file download with requests') path =…
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1 answer

Python tqdm TypeError: () takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

I tried to create a progress bar to view progress of file transferring by using the below code. from tqdm import tqdm import pysftp cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts() cnopts.hostkeys = None srv =…
Harshana Serasinghe
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