I am using a np.vectorize-ed function and would like to see the progress of the function with tqdm. However, I have not been able to figure out how to do this.

All the suggestions I have found relate to converting the calculation into a for-loop, or into a pd.DataFrame.

Avi Vajpeyi
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2 Answers2


I finally found a method that works to get the tqdm progress bar to update with a np.vectorize function. I wrap the vectorize function using a with

with tqdm(total=len(my_inputs)) as pbar:
    my_output = np.vectorize(my_function)(my_inputs)

in my_function() I then add the following lines

global pbar

and voila! I now have a progress bar that updates with each iteration. Only slight performance dip on my code.

Note: when you instantiate the function it might complain that pbar is not yet defined. Simply put a pbar = 0 before you instantiate, and then the function will call the pbar defined by the with

Hope it helps everyone reading here.


To the best of my knowledge,tqdm does not wrap over numpy.vectorize.

To display the progress bar for numpy arrays, numpy.ndenumerate can be used.

Given the inputs and function:

import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
b = 2
def myfunc(a, b):
    "Return a-b if a>b, otherwise return a+b"
    if a > b:
        return a - b
        return a + b

Replace this vectorised part below

# using numpy.vectorize
vfunc = np.vectorize(myfunc)
vfunc(a, b)

with this

# using numpy.ndenumerate instead
[myfunc(x,b) for index, x in tqdm(np.ndenumerate(a))]

To see the tqdm progress.

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    Ah this is still just using a `for-loop` which I know how to do. I was hoping on getting `tqdm` to work with `np.vectorize`. Additionally, I tried out your method, I noticed a significant time-difference. Is this because of the logging or because your method does not use `np.vectorize`? EG: `np_vectorized_sum timing: 0:00:00.005858` and `np_ndenumerate_sum timing: 0:00:02.856294` (sum over 100 by 100 mesh grid) – Avi Vajpeyi Sep 24 '20 at 03:00
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    I think the difference is due to the use of SIMD in `np.vectorize`. – anilbey Sep 24 '20 at 10:00