Questions tagged [tokbox]

TokBox provides a free API that allows anyone to add group video chat features to their own websites

TokBox provides a free API that allows anyone to add group video chat features to their own websites. Experienced programmers use the OpenTok API to build custom interactive video chat applications. More casual users can download OpenTok plug-n-play apps that provide the same group video chat capability when users drop them into their personal blogs or websites.

TokBox Website

492 questions
0 answers

blur overlay for camera preview using tokbox

I want to blur the camera preview in a video call. For a video call, I am using tokbox. But blur camera will be for 30 seconds of interval afterward normal camera preview will be seen. If anyone has achieved this then please help. I have tried using…
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Opentok-reactjs styling not applying for publisher & subscriber

I am trying to apply width & height to publisher & subscriber, but unable to solve it. Do anyone can help me with this issue? even tried with OTPublisherContainer & OTSubscriberContainer also... Here is the sample code:
0 answers

TokBox Publisher failed to publish in a reasonable amount of time

I am implementing a video recording for my web application using OpenTok's js library. Currently using .NET and JavaScript SDK to record the video. The video recording is working on Chrome and Firefox, but…
Kishan Patel
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How do I stop the video calling session? Audio always on

I'm using the example in activity and when I finish the activity the audio always is on. How could stop it? Thanks!
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I am facing a crash related to custom audio driver provided by tokbox

I am using custom audio driver of tokbox. i have a class named 'DefaultAudioDevice' in this i am facing many crashes but these crashes occur some time. Like func disposeAudioUnit(audioUnit: inout AudioUnit?) { if let unit = audioUnit { …
2 answers

Handling Open Tok Session, Publisher, Subscriber on configuration changes (Screen Rotation From Portrait to Landscape)

In my application, There is one activity where a publisher and three subscribers can have a conversation among each other in a single session. I have developed the whole concept in portrait mode. Now the requirement is when user rotate his device…
Vinit Saxena
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OpenTok/TokBox: is there a way to limit the number of published streams allowed in a session?

I'm using OpenTok Web Client SDK and OpenTok .NET Server SDK to generate TokBox sessions that are always going to be multiparty conferences with video being published by many. I'd like to limit the number of streams that can be published and somehow…
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Tokbox SIP integration with Nexmo for Conferencing

I have a question regarding the integration of Tokbox SIP gateway and Nexmo for the purpose of merging in calls into a number with the Tokbox conference. Here is the use case: We already have Tokbox running and hosting our a/v conferences. We would…
Vahid Kowsari
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1 answer

React Native: Show the name of the OpenTok Publisher on top of the video stream

I'm trying to get the name of the publisher to display on top of the video stream (on both the Publisher's and Subscriber's ends) using the OpenTok React Native package. According to the documentation for the OTPublisher component, it should be just…
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OpenTok Nexmo outbound call won't work with SipProperty secure set true

I'm integrating Nexmo in an application that uses OpenTok React as the front-end and the OpenTok Java SDK as the back-end. When I set the SipProperty secure to true the call won't work. When the secure property to false it will work. Could someone…
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Opentok's preferredResolution for subscriber doen't work

I create opentok sessions on backend using MediaMode.ROUTED and create publisher object like this: var publisherOptions = { resolution: '1280x960', style: { nameDisplayMode: "on", buttonDisplayMode: "off" }, }; const el…
Uday Reddy
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1 answer

creating JWT with header, payload and signature in java

i want to generate a jwt for a given header, payload and a secret key. my header; { "typ": "JWT", "alg": "HS256" } my payload; { "iss": "46181382", "ist": "project", "iat": 1536225835, "exp": 1536226835, "jti": "abcdefghi" } my secret…
Dhanushka Sampath
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1 answer

TokBox/OpenTok Web RTC - Limiting number of subscribers

Using the TokBox/OpenTok Javascript API - Is there any way to limit the numbers of subscribers to a stream? I.e. To only allow a single subscriber to a published stream and redirect any other subsequent would-be subscribers.
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OpenTok JS websocket connection timeout issue

I'm using opentok client JS api OpenTok.js 2.14.6 753045900, to set up a video conferencing app. Intermittently, it throws errors into chrome console: WebSocket connection to…
2 answers

How to remove Web Camera icon from address bar

Is there a way to hide/remove the Camera icon that appears in the address bar after we have stopped using it? I am using OpenTok for Video Conferencing and using OT.getUserMedia() .then(options=>{ options.getTracks().forEach(track=>{ …
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