Questions tagged [tokbox]

TokBox provides a free API that allows anyone to add group video chat features to their own websites

TokBox provides a free API that allows anyone to add group video chat features to their own websites. Experienced programmers use the OpenTok API to build custom interactive video chat applications. More casual users can download OpenTok plug-n-play apps that provide the same group video chat capability when users drop them into their personal blogs or websites.

TokBox Website

492 questions
2 answers

OpenTok: What's the difference between the session and the token?

I'm trying to make a 2 persons video chat using OpenTok API, but I don't have a clue on how to generate a sessionId or a token and what's the difference between them. I've looked into the provided examples, but they don't show how to generate them.…
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1 answer

Adding Name and Image at the bottom of Opentok Publisher's Stream and It should be visible on the Subscriber's end by default

I am trying to develop an application with the help of OpenTok where I need to add Name of the user as well as the logo of my application on the publisher's stream. Why am I focusing on the Stream? The reason is if I use some kind of overlay on my…
Vinit Saxena
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1 answer

Tokbox Local & Remote Video in a single screen

I have created a video chat using tokbox with publisher and subscriber videos in different divs and it is working fine. The examples provided by tokbox tutorials has the video elements in different divs. I want the local & remote video side by side,…
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1 answer

How to change audio output in opentok javascript SDK?

When connected to a mobile browser, the audio always defaults to the audio-only speakers (i.e. phone speakers that are close to the ear; i don't know what this is called) instead of the loud speakers. How do I make it use the loud speakers by…
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1 answer

tokbox: how to determine when participant's audio is muted

How to get event when your participant turned off audio? Subscriber has a VideoListener which is notified when video state is changed, but how to get events for audio?
  • 31
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1 answer

Telephone with OpenTok

We are developing a VoIP app and we want to switch to the Tokbox library. Ours is like a telephone app just like Viber but for a specific audience. We need the app to behave like a telephone app. The user makes the call, the receiver hears the phone…
Sandah Aung
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1 answer

OpenTok-java-sdk issue Create SessionId throwing exception

I am working on maven and spring. I have created simple class having main method, to create the OpenTok SessionId but getting exception as follows Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: …
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1 answer

How to increase video quality/Resolution in OpenTok RTC(Real Time Communication)

I am using OpenTok iOS SDK (Multi Party Call Demo). How can I increase video quality? I am having high speed internet connection during video call but video quality is not so good as it should be. Any help will be appreciable.
Nishant Tyagi
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1 answer

What is the limit for number of subscribers to a stream(publisher's) in opentok/tokbox iOS SDK?

Hi iCoders currently i'm working on an app for live streaming using OpenTok/TokBox iOS SDK.My doubt is how many number of subscribers can subscribe to a stream published by a publisher.I have searched about this in openTok forums but no where found…
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3 answers

P2P video streaming on Android using WebRTC

I'm looking for a WebRTC platform/API/SDK for P2P video streaming from an Android camera to another Android device running my app I've looked at Twilio, they don't support it. So far only Weemo and Tokbox potentially. Any…
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1 answer

Connect failed (1006) msg: TB.socket error, Connect Time-out (1008)

I built a simple iOS app with the iOS SDK, and when I connect and publish video to my OpenTok session, there is no error. When I try to join the same OpenTok session from my browser using the, I get the following errors: TB.exception :: title:…
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1 answer

Opening CallKit with VoIP on iOS 14.2 is not working in killed state

I'm using Tokbox with CallKit. I have two applications: Doctor and Patient. Doctor is going to call Patient through Toxbox with CallKit. If the application is in killed state on iOS 14.2, it will not receive the VoIP notification and so the call…
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1 answer

When Video stream load in constraint layou it hide relativelayout view which publishing my own camera in Android?

I am creating app which required to communicate over live video call. For this i used ( Tokbox API (Vonage API). Bottom right corner camera is my camera. And Full screen camera is opponent…
0 answers

ERROR[OpenTok]:Audio device error: startCapture.AudioOutputUnitStart returned error: -66637

I have implemented OpenTok with CallKit. Whenever I start outgoing call, my stream is never published. At the inspector dashboard it says, Attempting to publish with stream 54B02465-0E26-4AF0-8715-9D333BF6E9FC (has not started publishing to session…
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1 answer

OpenTok / ToxBox: Keep the API Key secret?

I'm using the OpenTok .js API to build a web app. The TokBox "Security Best Practices" doc ( says "Keep the API key and secret private and secure" I can keep the API "secret" out of the…
Matthew H.
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