I'm using opentok client JS api OpenTok.js 2.14.6 753045900, to set up a video conferencing app. Intermittently, it throws errors into chrome console:

WebSocket connection to 'wss://mantis002-ams.tokbox.com/rumorwebsocketsv2?socketId=12796b11-4174-431e-980f-52c29c32aa0d&attempt=b58d3a4d-7721-4e93-b39b-76224b00864a' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established.

WebSocket connection to 'wss://mantis002-ams.tokbox.com/rumorwebsocketsv2?socketId=12796b11-4174-431e-980f-52c29c32aa0d&attempt=0d49b33e-33b9-4eec-a6d4-80ea6d7908ec' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

OT:RumorSocket:1 Error code unavailable. OT.Raptor.Socket error: e {code: 4020, message: "Error code unavailable."} OT_SOCKET_CLOSE_FALLBACK_CODE: Error code unavailable. OT.exception :: title: undefined (4020) msg: Error code unavailable.

s {code: 4020, message: "Error code unavailable.", name: "OT_SOCKET_CLOSE_FALLBACK_CODE", stack: "Error: Error code unavailable.↵ at https://stat…tatic.opentok.com/v2/js/opentok.min.js:29:247034)"}

An error occurred in an event handler TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of null at index.js:455 at P (RaptorSocket.js:75) at r (RaptorSocket.js:265) at d.triggerCallback (Dispatcher.js:32) at n.<anonymous> (SessionDispatcher.js:179) at n.emit (events.js:84) at d.trigger (eventing.js:321) at d.emit (eventing.js:330) at RaptorSocket.js:279

How to correctly handle this situation, because seems like reconnection doesn't work inside OpenTok.js? And when I tried to recreate session I received

OT.exception :: title: Unexpected Server Response (2001) msg: Unexpected server response. Try this operation again later.

{ code: 2001, message: "Unexpected server response. Try this operation again later.", name: "OT_UNEXPECTED_SERVER_RESPONSE", stack: "Error: Unexpected server response. Try this operat…/static.opentok.com/v2/js/opentok.min.js:23:8742)"} mixin.js:23 OT:RumorSocket:49 The connection is being terminated because the endpoint has indicated that reconnections are not available. (CLOSE_UNSUPPORTED)

1 Answers1


TokBox Developer Evangelist here.

Could you please email support@tokbox.com with the sessionId along with the logs? The support team will be able to help you discover the underlying issue. You can also use the Session Inspector tool for a high-level summary that may help you pinpoint the connection errors.

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