Questions tagged [tokbox]

TokBox provides a free API that allows anyone to add group video chat features to their own websites

TokBox provides a free API that allows anyone to add group video chat features to their own websites. Experienced programmers use the OpenTok API to build custom interactive video chat applications. More casual users can download OpenTok plug-n-play apps that provide the same group video chat capability when users drop them into their personal blogs or websites.

TokBox Website

492 questions
2 answers

OpenTok Android demo not working - Didn't find class "com.opentok.helloworld.MainActivity"

I have been trying to get the OpenTok Android hello world working but it keeps crashing on launch. After importing the Hello world project, I copied the opentok android sdk into the project and re-built the project in eclipse. The errors all went…
Ayrton Senna
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2 answers

Writing screensharing plugin/driver

I have been using OpenTok for developing a webapp that can broadcast a stream to upto 2500 subscribers. OpenTok handles most of the work for you, but it doesn't allow screensharing - which is critical for my webapp. To enable screensharing, I'm…
Anant Jain
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1 answer

tokbox : Subscriber time out error on Safari

Using opentok.js v2,  the video channel works fine with Chrome and Firefox . The opentok version used is from this link: But it doesn't work with safari 11.0.3. On session's stream created…
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1 answer

TokBox Error: OT.Session: Cannot connect, the session is already undefined

I had a similar problem but can't figure out what is happening here. I have a .Net page that contains all the TokBox methods for subscribing. I launch a new window (video monitor for multiple streams), initialize the clients, store their…
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1 answer

What is default timeout to stop broadcast on YouTube when no streaming

Is there any timeout to change broadcast status to "COMPLETE" from "LIVE" automatically when It's not receiving any data(stream) on YouTube.
Softobiz T
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1 answer

TokBox sessions getting destroyed

I'm trying to have clients publish a A/V stream, turn them off, and then turn them back on. The first time I tell them to publish and then unpublish, it works fine. However, the next time I tell them to publish (Using the same session ID and…
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1 answer

Publishing fails after unpublishing

In my application I do the following steps: Publish audio only Unpublish Publish audio+video Unpublish Publish audio only At stage 5 it fails with the following error: index.js:460 OT.Publisher.onPublishingTimeoutonPublishingTimeout @ …
Anton Kuzmin
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1 answer

OpenTok Video Call Issue when application goes from background state to foreground

I have done video calling using OpenTok (Tokbox Sample for video calling among multiple users). I am facing a random issue in my application when my application enters in background mode and again application is sent to foreground. Session remains…
Nishant Tyagi
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1 answer

javascript is not loading on heroku

I have an app that works fine on local but when i deploy to heroku javascript not loading properly.i have seen many problems related to this on stackoverflow.but didnt work. file that contain javascript
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1 answer

OpenTok and File Sharing

I am building a video chat website using OpenTok. I have the video and text chat working, (still working on the screen sharing), but I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction regarding file sharing? I would like both parties to…
Daniel Lee
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2 answers

How to set the camera light on torch in Tokbox?

I am using TokBox for an android project. I need to add a button which would turn the flash light on torch mode. Tokbox Publisher object already provides a swapCamera() method which switches between all the available cameras of the device. But I…
1 answer

Rumor Socket Disconnected: Connectivity loss was detected as it was too long since the socket received the last PONG message

While using Opentok plugin for video chat (client version - , server Node sdk - 2.2.3) , i get this error after publishing to the session : Rumor.Socket: Rumor Socket Disconnected: Connectivity loss was detected as it was too long since…
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1 answer

OpenTok accessDenied issue in Chrome

I'm having some trouble with the OpenTok 2 API. When I start to publish a stream and I'm prompted to allow or deny the website to use my webcam and microphone, if I allow allowed() should run, but if I deny denied() should…
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0 answers

Why AudioManager does not work for my Android app?

Any ideas why output audio volume should not be adjusted by this code? I am developing for Vuzix M400 and I am using Vonage Video API (Tokbox). It works just fine on ordinary android smartphones so I searched Vuzix documentation and found that…
1 answer

RTMP Stream Input to an OpenTok session

So I've created a streaming app in my community website using OpenTok. It's really great, but there are a few use cases where some of my community currently stream via YouTube and have a setup that uses RTMP. They don't necessarily want to use…
Matt B
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