Questions tagged [togglz]

Togglz is an implementation of the Feature Toggles pattern for Java.

Togglz is an implementation of the Feature Toggles pattern for Java.

Feature Toggles are a very common agile development practices in the context of continuous deployment and delivery.

The basic idea is to associate a toggle with each new feature you are working on. This allows you to enable or disable these features at application runtime, even for individual users.

56 questions
2 answers

How to use a library with its own filter and non-controller servlet in a Grails app?

I think the short, general form of my question might be the best: How do I get Grails/Spring to "see" dependency library components, including filters and servlets that are not Grails controllers? Here are the specifics: I'd like to use the Togglz…
Lance Zant
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togglz console cannot login

i am trying to setup a spring boot togglz project. Pom.xml looks like below: server: port: 9090 togglz: console: enabled: true path: /togglz-console #togglz.console.feature-admin-authority= secured: false use-management-port:…
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1 answer

What is the actuator endpoint to which the togglz library exposes the edit options

I have recently being exploring the togglz library for feature management in Spring Boot application. In the documentation here , its mentioned that I can use the actuator endpoint http://localhost:8080/actuator/togglz/GREETING to edit my features.…
zaid warsi
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Change access to static web ressources on runtime spring boot

I use Spring Boot and Spring Security in my project to manage the delivery of static web resources. Until now, it was sufficient for my application to identify users via Spring Security and allow them to access these resources. Subsequently, I…
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Togglz - Username Activation Strategy Implementation

I am trying to implement UsernameActivation Startegy in Springboot using togglz, but due to insufficient example/documentation on this, I am unable to do so. It is a simple Poc in maven. Here are my classes: public enum Features implements Feature{ …
0 answers

Togglz Spring Boot - Console is not showing up when I try to run the same project in eclipse from a different workspace

I am doing a Proof of Concept in feature toggle using Springboot and Togglz library. I have used a Maven project. i am facing a strange error. There are two workspace for eclipse. Both have the same toggle project. But, when I try to run the…
1 answer

Togglz: noCommit option in JDBCStateRepository.Builder, what does it do?

Our application currently uses Togglz. I'm migrating from a FileBasedStateRepository to a JDBCStateRepository. I'm using the builder to create the JDBCStateRepository. I'm confused as to what the noCommit option does? Can someone explain what it…
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2 answers

Spring Boot and Togglz: Catching feature activation time and do some action when feature became active

I have feature togglz in my spring boot application. There are some features which are successfully work for the moment. So now I need to do some operation right in the time when one of my feature is activated. Is there any way to do that?
1 answer

Failed to Autowire Configuration file with FeatureManager in controller

I am trying to implement togglz with my spring boot application. Here my approach towards it is in two ways. Firstly below are the common files for my both usecase package com.learn.poc.toggle; import…
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1 answer

Togglz Get Feature Name when status changes(enabled/disabled)

I need to retrieve the togglz feature name for which the status is changed. Is there any way to do that? I'm stuck with this for the past 1 day. Any help is highly appreciated. Please find my sample code below public enum MyFeatures implements…
1 answer

Togglz don't pick up Spring-Boot configuration from application.yml

I tried to follow the Togglz guide for Spring Boot, so added all necessary dependencies, created a feature enum: public enum RetrospectiveBoardFeatures implements Feature { @Label("Name by cookie") NAME_BY_COOKIE, @Label("Name by…
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1 answer

Togglz Admin Console and Spring Boot 2

I'm trying to enable Togglz Console in my Spring Boot 2.0.0.M6 application. I added the following Maven dependency: org.togglz togglz-console
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When my Spring app runs, it isn't using my TogglzConfig file

I have a large Spring application that is set up without XML using only annotations. I have made some changes to this application and have a separate project with what should be almost all the same code. However, in this separate project, Togglz…
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1 answer

Togglez feature activation based on input parameters from call

All the ActivationStrategy of togglez uses input from HttpRequest or from other context. However, If I am using togglez for stand alone java application is there any way to pass parameters into isActive…
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1 answer

Error Deploying Togglz Spring Boot on tomcat

I am trying to run a Togglz Spring Boot app on a tomcat container and i see the follwing error. Specifically this error java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:org.togglz.spring.listener.TogglzApplicationContextBinderApplicationListener But i do see this…
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