Questions tagged [teamcity-9.1]

37 questions
3 answers

NUnit 3.2.1 + TeamCity: Could not load file or assembly 'nunit.framework'

I've recently updated to TeamCity 9.1.6 to run my new unit tests based on NUnit 3.2.1. But now I'm having trouble running the tests: I've selected the NUnit3 executor in build steps, configured it accordingly: When building, I get an error: "Could…
Jurijs Kastanovs
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3 answers

TeamCity - REST API - Last successful build

I'm trying to get the latest successful build. This request returns all of the successful builds for a specified buildType (as BUILDTYPE below). /httpAuth/app/rest/builds/?locator=buildType:BUILDTYPE,status:SUCCESS Is there a way to further filter…
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1 answer

Where to save the setting-security.xml file to use Maven encryption?

We are using TeamCity 9.1 and the default bundled Maven version 3.0.5 In the build, we are using Maven to interact with a Nexus server. We would like to encrypt the password in the Maven settings.xml file as described in this…
Sanchit Nagpal
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Why does VS Test cause build to fail on muted tests when it should ignore exit code Failure Condition?

I have a muted test that is failing in a build and its seems to be causing the entire build to fail even though: Failure Conditions for the build only has "at least one test failed" ticked "the build process exit code is not zero" is unticked I am…
Jack Ukleja
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1 answer

Teamcity hang on agent side git checkout

TeamCity build was working with "On Server" VCS checkout mode. Now I need to have access to .git folder. After switching to checkout mode to "On Agent", build just froze on checkout. Repository doesn't contain any big files, checkout is normally up…
Denys Vark
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TeamCity with npm - Error: ENOENT, stat 'C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\npm'

I'm having serious problems getting the last pieces of my TeamCity configuration in place. I have a powershell step that executes the following commands: & npm install & grunt build logging the following output: Build (Powershell)…
Tomas Aschan
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1 answer

TeamCity fails to load build settings from VCS, ignores new settings

We have a TeamCity project configured with with Versioned Settings. It has a build which fails with the message Failed to load build settings from VCS. We think we have understood the cause of this (There is two build configuration xml files that…
Klas Mellbourn
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0 answers

Folder level from GIT checkout on teamcity agent

We have been tasked to move our source code from perforce to bitbucket recently. our perforce repository is quite huge and has multiple modules which are segregated in different folders . So far we have been using the VCS and checkout rules in TC to…
0 answers

Why does the build log not capture all standard output?

we're running nightly regression test builds with TeamCity Enterprise (9.1). These are tests written in C# using SpecFlow (1.9.0), Selenium (2.48.2) and BrowserStack. We use MS Test 2015 as test engine. Now the problem. We have noticed that output…
Markus Neifer
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1 answer

Teamcity VCS error while fetching from git repo

I am getting this error when doing a test connection against my git repository from TeamCity Enterprise 9.1.3 . Can anybody explain this error more closely? Test connection failed in List remote refs failed: …
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1 answer

Replacing characters in TeamCity build script / command

I've created a build job that allows passing in a branch name as a build parameter and then runs the build to produce the output and copy the resulting artifact to another directory on the build server with the original artifact name suffixed with…
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2 answers

Database Deployment - An error occurred during deployment plan generation. Deployment cannot continue

I wondered if someone could perhaps help save my sanity by telling me what I'm missing here. The background first. We have 5 database projects in TC, each with a build step and then a deploy step. 4 out of these 5 projects build and deploy…
1 answer

Custom scripts to checkout TFS

We have a team city hosted on Linux OS machine. We have a TFS repository for which we need to make auto build and auto deploy. But when I am setting up VCS root it giving me error that TFS root can be created only on a machine running under Windows…
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2 answers

Teamcity automerge cannot find destination branch

I'm trying to set up automated merge of changes for a teamcity build. TeamCity Professional 9.1.6 (build 37459) I want all the changes in branches release/* to be merged into the following branch: develop-automerge VCS root specification: Default…
George Polevoy
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1 answer

File Content Replacer having no effect on artifacts

I'm using a relatively new feature of TeamCity: File Content Replacer. In my current setup I have a version.js file in my VCS: window["MyPlugin"].version = "1.0.##VCS_REVISION##.##CI_BUILD_NUMBER##"; I use the File Content Replacer build feature to…
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