Questions tagged [automerge]

23 questions
3 answers

Is it possible to disable the auto-merge option in Visual Studio Team System 2008? If so how?

I'd like to disable the automatic merge feature when checking in a file to TFS that another developer has worked on so that I always need to merge manually. Is there any way to do this?
Bryan Anderson
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1 answer

How to list only auto merged files in git

Is there any command to list only auto merged files in git after taking pull. Auto merging is not forcing us to watch code. Some time I needed to check explicitly to automerged files. Git enlists changed files generally in three types in mix up. New…
Niklesh Raut
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1 answer

Why does git does not merge some changes?

We ran into a strange git merge issue. We have 2 repos (simplication below). The PublicRepo is where we do most development on and every now and then we pull/merge changes into PrivateRepo. …
1 answer

How to e2e test multiple client synchronization?

I am writing e2e tests where I want to test that when I add an entity on one client, the other online client will be synced and see the added entity. (Think google docs when you type and the words appear on the other users' screens). My question…
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npm module versioning with auto merging in git

I'm currently struggling with automatic merges of a semantic versioned node project. In my current setup I have to maintain multiple older (minor) versions of the applications. To ensure that bug fixes in older versions are also applied to newer…
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What does TFS mean by Keeping a nonexistent file or Automerging with it?

When trying to merge a newer version of a project with an older one, I get, "The item has been deleted in the target branch" and it gives me three options: Restore File And AutoMerge Keep Target Branch Version Take Source Branch Version can…
B. Clay Shannon
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2 answers

How can I merge my files when the folder structure has changed

I want to perform a major codebase reorganization, but I'm unable to proceed unless I can provide a way for trunk fixes to be easily applied to branches that were taken before the reorganization. One approach I was considering was to apply the…
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1 answer

Let git merge different filetypes with an external tool?

we are working on a project where we often get the same conflict due to git not able to merge the files correctly. However these conflicts can be easily fixed with an external script. Is it somehow possible to let git now that it always should…
Michael Ochs
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1 answer

How to auto-Merge Bitbucket branches from Bamboo?

We are working on a POC with Bamboo and Bitbucket to do an auto-merge between the Master and Feature branches. The task list is as follows: Commit code in trunk Get a repository polled bamboo build for the Trunk Code gets Auto-merge in feature…
2 answers

How to prevent Git automerging particular lines with equal changes

Given you have a file with a version number which is increased in two branches, how to prevent Git from silently automerging the two lines changing lines defining the version? * Git automatically merges here, but shouldn't |\ | * change same line…
Daniel Böhmer
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2 answers

Teamcity automerge cannot find destination branch

I'm trying to set up automated merge of changes for a teamcity build. TeamCity Professional 9.1.6 (build 37459) I want all the changes in branches release/* to be merged into the following branch: develop-automerge VCS root specification: Default…
George Polevoy
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1 answer

Git consistently merging one file incorrectly

I'm having a weird issue with git's merge feature that I've never seen before. I am merging some changes from a branch into master and git seems to be consistently having trouble with one particular file. It's basically merging content into…
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1 answer

Prevent automatic changelog merging

I have the following setup: I use Keep a Changelog ( I use Git with GitHub I follow the Gitflow Workflow Precondition: The changelog is saved in a file named in the develop branch which looks partly like…
2 answers

Bitbucket Server - ignore certain files during auto-merge

I want to ignore my project version file from auto-merge in Bitbucket Server as this file is always going to be different for different branches. For this, I have created a merge driver similar to the below in repository's .gitconfig [merge "ours"] …
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1 answer

Why auto merge don't work in bitbacket on this case?

I made such config for branch model After i made release branch and merge it to develop via pull request: i was expected auto merge for develop to master but nothig happend.