Questions tagged [surveymonkey]

SurveyMonkey is an online survey service

SurveyMonkey is a a software as a service (SaaS) company, founded in 1999 by Ryan Finley, that provides an online survey tool with a variety of service plans.

SurveyMonkey provides an API for programmatic survey creation and data retrieval.

See also

387 questions
3 answers

Is it possible to use OAuth 2.0 without a redirect server?

I'm trying to create a local Java-based client that interacts with the SurveyMonkey API. SurveyMonkey requires a long-lived access token using OAuth 2.0, which I'm not very familiar with. I've been googling this for hours, and I think the answer is…
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7 answers

Using R to parse out Surveymonkey csv files

I'm trying to analyse a large survey created with surveymonkey which has hundreds of columns in the CSV file and the output format is difficult to use as the headers run over two lines. Has anybody found a simple way of managing the headers in the…
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Using pandas and json_normalize to flatten nested JSON API response

I have a deeply nested JSON that I am trying to turn into a Pandas Dataframe using json_normalize. A generic sample of the JSON data I'm working with looks looks like this (I've added context of what I'm trying to do at the bottom of the post): { …
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SurveyMonkey: How do you determine a survey's ID?

For a given survey, how do you determine its survey_id for use with the SurveyMonkey API? A list of all IDs is returned by the API method get_survey_list, and you could subsequently call get_survey_details on each survey to determine which one is…
Phantom Watson
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1 answer

Can the SurveyMonkey custom parameter be passed back via a survey complete Url?

I am looking for a way to get back the custom parameter "c" that is used for storing Custom Data in the SurveyMonkey system when a user completes a survey, whether that be via the Embed OR WebLink. Any suggestions on how others have approached…
mt programmer
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Cannot find the API to submit a survey response to surveymonkey

I need to submit a survey response from my own mobile app. The user will be shown a survey to fill for which i can pull the survey questions and answer choices using the get_survey_details api call but how do I submit the response to survey monkey?…
Imran Suhail
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3 answers

SurveyMonkey: testing api via console

I am trying to access a partner survey using the api. So before getting started with the client implementation, I am testing the api using the console. After setting the auth code and the request parameters, I get this response: { …
Alberto De Caro
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Survey Monkey Webhook

After creating the webhook, when I fill in a form it sends a POST request to my API, but the body comes empty. I can not find anything on the internet, the SM documentation leaves much to be desired. My API async testWebhook({ request, response })…
1 answer

SurveyMonkey data formatting using Pandas

I have a survey to analyze that was completed by participants on SurveyMonkey. Unfortunately, the way the data are organized is not ideal, in that each categorical response for each question has its own column. Here, for example, are the first few…
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surveymonkey popup not showing

I setup a wordpress blog and wanted to add a popup from surveymonkey. To simply test if it gets loaded I added the script within the footer.php before the closing body tag. Then I reloaded the page but the popup didn't appear, I tried the same with…
2 answers

Embedded SurveyMonkey survey not appearing on mobile

I'm looking to embed an existing survey monkey survey into a webpage, following the instructions here: which is working perfectly on desktop and tablet sizes, but for some reason not…
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How can we create embedded code of suveymonkey's using rest api's for given survey_id from my project

We are using survey monkey tool for API integration. We want to take survey of our websites pages dynamically. Each page is associated with survey_id and we need to generate a embedded code provided for given survery_id
1 answer

Surveymonkey create new survey programmatically?

How do I programmatically create new surveys (with new questions and options) using surveymonkey API? The only relevant API method that I could find was create_flow which works with existing surveys/templates. I am not sure if it allows for…
The Wanderer
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SurveyMonkey survey as in-page overlay/modal/lightbox

I've searched the SurveyMonkey website, both help... and developer..., as well as the general net and stackoverflow, and can't find any examples of a SurveyMonkey survey being displayed in an in-page overlay (referred to by some as a "lightbox" or…
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1 answer

Bad JSON being returned from Survey Monkey (get_survey_list)

I've been trying to pull Survey Data for a client from their Survey Monkey account, it seems that the more data their is the more likely illegal characters are introduced in to the resulting JSON string. Below is a sample of what is returned on a…
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