Questions tagged [surveymonkey]

SurveyMonkey is an online survey service

SurveyMonkey is a a software as a service (SaaS) company, founded in 1999 by Ryan Finley, that provides an online survey tool with a variety of service plans.

SurveyMonkey provides an API for programmatic survey creation and data retrieval.

See also

387 questions
1 answer

Is it possible to make a survey monkey account 'read only'

I am using the Survey Monkey api to get the url's of surveys I have created which allows me to display surveys from within my application. To do this I have to send my key and authorization with the request. What concerns me is that Survey Monkey…
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SurveyMonkey API - Developer Inactive

I am trying to use the SurveyMonkey Api. Currently I need to get the Access Token, but when I call the url with the right parameters, I get the following response:

Developer Inactive

Why is this…
George Ant
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Expected object or value

I have setup a developer account and created a access token as described in the docs using "custom application" and providing key, id and secret in the console. Requests made via the console such as get_survey_list work fine. However if I try any…
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SurveyMonkey. Creating my own front-end

Can I create a SurveyMonkey survey, then build the survey's front-end on our intranet, but have the form post to the SurveyMonkey? This will allow me to use their result page and reports, while allowing me to design the page using internal video…
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Survey App Django-Survey Monkey

I am creating a django application for my company, and one of the things that still needs doing is a survey. At the moment we use SurveyMonkey, but I can't manage to send via api invitations to the surveys(personalized ones like the web page allows,…
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1 answer

How do we know a survey_id to be able to call the API?

The API calls require a survey_id. There is a surveyID in the web link but that is an alphanumeric code that is not the same as the survey_id. eg is surveyID 47481373 The "Edit survey" pages do not show the…
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SurveyMonkey API: export a csv or excel file of respondents?

Is it possible to export a csv or excel file through the SurveyMonkey API? Or is it necessary to page through the json get_responses and compile that list manually? Since you can export excel and csv reports through in the SurveyMonkey interface,…
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1 answer

Problems with Survey Monkey snippet to embed surveys and custom_id

I tried to add the "c=XXXX" parameter to the URL defined in the snippet so that it looks like: The survey is succesfully displayed in page (both simple version and…
Giuliano Iacobelli
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2 answers

SurveyMonkey Long Lived Access Token Lifespan

I am working on a project that requires an automated SSIS package to connect to SurveyMonkey data store via API to incrementally download survey results for the day or specified time period for custom reporting and low scoring task assignment. Via…
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1 answer

APIs not returning custom field

for our scopes we need to use unique ID generated by us for the answers submitted by users. This is possible by adding "?c=" at the end of the survey link followed by the ID number. Example Format: The…
Giuliano Iacobelli
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2 answers

How do you get the Respondent ID from a Survey Monkey survey?

The Story I'm in the beginning stages of creating a video teaching engine for a retailer incentive program my company is putting together. The way it will work is that retailers will register and be provided the ability to login to the system to…
Jon Gallup
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1 answer

Surveymonkey: Is there an API method that indicates if a survey has been completed by a user?

We are looking into using surveymonkey for our surveys. In the surveymonkey developer portal (, the site advises us to ask questions here. Is there an API method / data point that indicates if a survey has been…
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1 answer

Detect change in iframe for survey monkey

I am embedding a survey monkey survey onto my page and I want to detect when the user submits the survey and is routed to the "thank you" page. (At this point I want to redirect to another page, lets just say for simplicity sake). How…
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How can I embed a survey in Blazor?

I am currently passing in the provided embed code using a MarkupString, the script it references loads in the network tab, but fails to insert the embedded survey. I'm not sure I should even be doing it this way, but I am not sure how else to use…
Mark Clark
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1 answer

Survey Monkey - Retrieve new Responses only via API

I have a python script that hits the /v3/surveys?pagenum end point. My plan was to calculate the number of responses in the Json and the number of pages (rounded up from 50/page) and compare this with data already brought in from that endpoint. My…
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