Questions tagged [surveymonkey]

SurveyMonkey is an online survey service

SurveyMonkey is a a software as a service (SaaS) company, founded in 1999 by Ryan Finley, that provides an online survey tool with a variety of service plans.

SurveyMonkey provides an API for programmatic survey creation and data retrieval.

See also

387 questions
1 answer

SurveyMonkey API - Closed Survey

I'd be grateful for some help with a couple of questions on the Survey Monkey API; Using the API console, I've entered a valid survey number and back got a list of collectors. Is there also an API call to get information about each of the…
1 answer

Does surveymonkey api return the unique ID associated with their unique id specifications?

Can anyone tell me if they are know for certain whether or not survey monkey's api has the ability to return the unique ID associated with their designated unique id…
mt programmer
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Alternative ways to authorize use of surveymonkey account?

After I redirect to the OAuth dialog page, is there a way to authorize use of my account programmatically? Right now, once I enter my username and password, I can get the authorization code and the rest of my app works perfectly, but I want it to…
1 answer

Unexpected json result while calling the surveymonkey api

When calling the surveymonkey api I'm using {\"survey_id\":\"47625442\"," +"\"fields[]\":\"['url']\"}" as the json data the server needs to complete my request. while it is returning the data it is required it is not returning the additional URL i…
0 answers

No Json payload returned with api request

While posting to the surveymonkey api im expecting a JSON payload but whenever I send it i get a status "3" which on their documentation is an Invalid Request I'm unsure what im supposed to be giving to the api to get the data i need back. Am i…
0 answers

JSON error when requesting a web api

When trying to call the survey list from survey monkey i get the error {"status": 3, "errmsg": "No JSON object could be decoded: line 1 column 0 (char 0)"} when using the code below. I'm unsure why this request isn't working and was wondering what…
1 answer

Getting error "invalid uri" when using http://localhost

I'm working with my first api here and I'm trying to get through the Oauth authorization so i can start working with the api. When trying to get the short life access key with the following code surveymonkey is telling me I have an invalid uri. The…
2 answers

Passing parameters with urlencodeing to a website for authorization

So I've tried this code to pass my id, key and other info to the website to start Oauth approval but it isn't getting them. I'm fairly new to c# and Oauth so im not sure what to do. string url = ""; …
2 answers

Posting a part of surveymonkey survey to other database

I have a specific need regarding Surveymonkey engine. I would like to build a survey including a bunch of sensitive questions (address, telephone etc.). According to legal regulations we cannot store those datas in Surveymonkey database, but in a…
4 answers

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when looping through deserialized class

EDIT: turns out I can deserialize just fine, the problem is actually when I try to loop through to grab the questions. Same error though "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". I am only editing this because I can't delete the post…
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get_collector_list request in java

trying the request by passing the surveyID as a parameter from java using following input string. Getting following error {"status": 3, "errmsg": "No JSON object could be decoded: line 1 column 0 (char 0)"} String input ="{\"survey_id\":…
1 answer

Node Survey Monkey Polling

I am trying to poll respondents that have changed answers or get new respondents but this code appears to pull in all of the data regardless. Have I got the wrong data key? The polling guide suggests adding start_modified_date but that doesn't work.…
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2 answers

MS Access or MSSQL query to combine multiple rows of data based on common value in a single column (data exported from survey monkey)

I have the following data and would like to find a way using either MS Access SQL or MS SQL Server to create a query to consolidate everything to a single line. RespondentID Name EID Phone Why How …
1 answer

SurveyMonkey API Console Not Working

The SurveyMonkey API Console was working for me until a day or two ago. Whenever I click on AUTHORIZE on the console with my API Key and username, it opens up a new window with this reply The authorization request failed: Missing required…
1 answer

Can Only Access Results for one of my surveys

I've created a web application that using SurveyMonkey API and gathers the responses to a bunch of surveys I've created with SurveyMonkey. It's a BASIC account, however when I call the method get_responses on a survey it only works for one of my…
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