Questions tagged [structured-data]

Structured data is a system of pairing a name with a value that helps search engines categorize and index your content. Schema is recognized (and in fact the vocabulary is maintained) by Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and Yandex. It's unclear whether other search engines are using this markup to change how they display search results.

Structured data is a form of semantic mark-up designed to describe elements on a web page e.g. review, person, event etc. This mark-up can be combined with typical HTML properties to define each item type through the use of associated attributes.

For example, ‘Person’ has the properties name, url and title – attributes can be applied to HTML tags to describe each property:

<div itemscope itemtype="">
Name: <span itemprop="name">Sahil Popli</span>
Website: <a href="" itemprop="url"></a>
Title: <span itemprop="title">UI/UX Developer</span>
  • Itemscope – is an indicator that the content within this is an item.
  • Itemtype – describes what the item is, in the above instance ‘Person’.
  • Itemprop – describes each property of the specific item.

Structured data can be used to mark up all kinds of items from products to events to recipes. It is most often used to provide additional information about the following:

  • Creative work
  • Event
  • Organization
  • Person
  • Place
  • Product

A full list of items you can mark up with Schema is available here.

301 questions
1 answer

Schema applied on Magento Doesnt appear in richsnippet tool

I have added richsnippet code as per this online tutor on my website. But I am not able to see schema code to appear here is an example of how it shows…
1 answer

XML, Python - save file structure

I need to scan a large filesystem (1tb) and save this to an XML file. I want this XML file to be structured as described in the code. Does anybody know how to read a directory and all its subdirectories and files one by one (so they can be added to…
1 answer

Can This Schema Markup Be Improved?

If you were implementing schema markup for a local business that is a tour operator, what would you add to or change to the schema markup listed below. I generated this code from an online schema tool creator, but I don't know if it's really the…
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1 answer

Why is my Google Structured Data Testing Tool = Error: Incomplete microdata with can somebody help point out the error. thanks
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3 answers

How to remove rel=publisher tag in blogger?

I have searched for this a hundred times and only found how to add such tags in Blogger. I have not found a tutorial on how to remove those tags if they are added automatically by Blogger / Blogspot. In my head area of one of my Blogspot blogs using…
Ashish Singh
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1 answer

Google Structured Data Markup Helper - Opening Hours

I'm trying to add some structured markup to my restaurant listing website using the Structured Markup Helper (highlighting tool) from Google. When I highlight a restaurant's weekday and opening time, the markup helper tells me that the Day, Month…
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1 answer

Author data not being recognized in Google structured data testing tool

I've searched all over the place and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. No matter what I still get a Page does not contain authorship markup on the structured data testing tool I have two sites with almost identical pages. The rel=author tags…
0 answers

How do I make a multiple choice test in VB?

It is part of a homework assignment. I have to have structured data, and read the questions in for a .dat file. So far this is what I have. I'm having the most trouble in my Private Sub cmdNext_Click function. There are 4 radio buttons that much…
allison Snell
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1 answer

Global File Referencing

My basic file structure something like: home.php images/ global/ nav/ nav-img.jpg includes/ menu.php fruit/ …
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1 answer structured data type for driving instructor or other learning center

Trying to find a proper type of structured data for driving school/driving instructor. According Google recommendations "Use the most specific LocalBusiness sub-type possible; for example, Restaurant, DaySpa, HealthClub, and so on." Looking at…
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Schema JSON codes and their effect on the page speed rank

I searched in many articles but nobody has talked about this stuff. For example, google suggested JSON-LD for structured data but I wanna know if I add dozens line of JSON codes, does not it affect on my page speed badly? I mean tools like GTMetrix…
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1 answer

GraphQL to Schema Markup

I am building a site with Gatsby and am trying to get some structured data setup to help with my search visibility. The bit I need help with is where there are multiple images in the image array. Here's an example of what I'm wanting: const…
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1 answer

How is structured data cross-checked with the page content by search engines?

I've just started learning structured data and I'm still trying to wrap my head around the concept. First I started out with Microdata using vocabulary and now I'm learning JSON-LD. The thing that is bugging me is that 'how do search…
4 answers

What structured text format is the best supported in Python?

This question may be seen as subjective, but I'd like to ask SO users which common structured textual data format is best supported in Python. My initial choices are: XML JSON and YAML Which of these three is easiest to work with in Python (ie.…
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1 answer

Storing structured and unstructured data

I working on web application that require to store structured information like user information and unstructured information corresponding to the user. My question is whether I should use two different databases for storing structured and…
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