Questions tagged [structured-data]

Structured data is a system of pairing a name with a value that helps search engines categorize and index your content. Schema is recognized (and in fact the vocabulary is maintained) by Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and Yandex. It's unclear whether other search engines are using this markup to change how they display search results.

Structured data is a form of semantic mark-up designed to describe elements on a web page e.g. review, person, event etc. This mark-up can be combined with typical HTML properties to define each item type through the use of associated attributes.

For example, ‘Person’ has the properties name, url and title – attributes can be applied to HTML tags to describe each property:

<div itemscope itemtype="">
Name: <span itemprop="name">Sahil Popli</span>
Website: <a href="" itemprop="url"></a>
Title: <span itemprop="title">UI/UX Developer</span>
  • Itemscope – is an indicator that the content within this is an item.
  • Itemtype – describes what the item is, in the above instance ‘Person’.
  • Itemprop – describes each property of the specific item.

Structured data can be used to mark up all kinds of items from products to events to recipes. It is most often used to provide additional information about the following:

  • Creative work
  • Event
  • Organization
  • Person
  • Place
  • Product

A full list of items you can mark up with Schema is available here.

301 questions
1 answer

Using itemprop="articleBody" on Multiple Elements (

Is it bad practice to use itemprop="articleBody" on multiple elements. I ask because my page looks like this:


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1 answer

Simple way to parse and query multi-line semi-structured content

I'm occasionally working with text files in which some sections do have multiple paragraphs with the same structure. Here's an example: Some unrelated preface I'm not interested in... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam…
  • 53
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2 answers

Does Log4j SyslogAppender support MDC and NDC

Simple really, does Log4j SyslogAppender support MDC and NDC in the sense that the output is structured data i.e. uses the structured data features of the protocol? Further, are there any limits on what can be put in the MDC and successfully…
Simon Gibbs
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1 answer

How to specify product IDs in Google Search "application/ld+json" script without getting "Missing product ID (optional)"

How can I reduce warning of "Missing product ID (optional)" on "application/ld+json" script in google search console? Below My sample JSON-LD code