Questions tagged [sspi]

Use for questions having to do with the Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) API.

The Security Support Provider Interface () is a Microsoft Windows API used to perform security-related operations such as authentication. It is implemented as a a dynamic-link library (DLL) supplied with the operating system. SSPI is the means by which the operating system loads SSPs (Security Support Providers), such as Kerberos and NTLM, when the system boots. The SSPI is the implementation of the Generic Security Service API () in Windows.

This article, while dated, is a good primer on : Logon and Authentication Technologies

216 questions
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ODBC SSPI connection fails when username is added

I receive an exception anytime I put a value in for uid= in connection string for an Odbc PostgreSQL connection using Windows Authentication (SSPI). Error: Connection problem: System.InvalidOperationException: The connection was not closed. The…
Branden Huggins
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After resetting user's password in Active Directory using C#, both old and new passwords are working

Below is the code which is being used to reset the password. I want to stop this behavior. Only new password should work. user should not be able to log in with old password. using (var search= new DirectorySearcher(dir)) …
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smtp email send request fails sometimes

I am using below code in c#, string Subject = "test12"; MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mail.To.Add(item.ToString()); mail.From = new MailAddress(EmailUserName); mail.Subject = Subject; mail.Body = PopulateBody(); …
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The specified principle is not known in the authentication system

I have a C# client based on SSPI and Java server based on GSSAPI. The flow communication flow is as below. Client creates TGT Client passes TGT to server Server uses the TGT and generates server token Server passes the server token to…
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pyodbc error when run inside tmux

In my python code, I am using pyodbc to connect to my sql server. all the sql settings are correct, and I can run my code in a linux terminal using python The issue is that when I run the same file inside tmux, I get errors about…
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Access CVS through Apache service using SSPI

I'm running an Apache server (v2.2.10) with mod_python, Python 2.5 and Django. I have a small web app that will show the current projects we have in CVS and allow users to make a build of the different projects (the build checks out the project,…
Alex Jillard
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How to authenticate with NTLM with parameters (via HTTP)?

I'm using InitializeSecurityContext function to produce Type 1 and Type 3 messages for NTLM authentication in HTTP. Everything works fine when I'm receiving default header: WWW-Authenticate: NTLM But, when I receive header like: WWW-Authenticate:…
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How to get client user name using established GSS API context

I'm implementing Windows -> Linux transparent authentication using Kerberos. On Windows side I use SSPI. And I successfully establish context between Windows client and Windows server, retrieving client's user name like that: SecPkgContext_Names…
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Authenticating using SSPI, KERBEROS, SPN, &

I have my client/server application working & authenticating the client via KERBEROS on a Windows system using SSPI. I had to register an SPN to make this work and everything works if I use a the FQDN, but, it takes about 4 seconds. The connection…
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Git for Windows, Domain Kerberos + ssh to Linux Server?

I've been bashing my head against the desk, attempting to provide an out of box, windows workstation git for developers. This already 100% works on Linux, you kinit, and then you ssh without being prompted. The Active Directory Domain Serves as…
J. M. Becker
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WPF windows authentication for SQL connection

I have a windows form solution which I have to implement to WPF browser application. All the code does is it queries an sql server based on a parameter given in a textbox. string conString= @"Data Source = SQLserver; Initial Catalog = database;…
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how do i connect to SQL server in SQL Server Mgmt Studio with SSPI Integrated Security

i have an web app that has this in the web.config file in the project server=[server],15001;Integrated Security=SSPI;Database=DB_NAME how do i connect to this database from Sql server mgmt studio since there is not use or password in the…
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i'm trying to create an SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY to use into a call to AcquireCredentialsHandle in order to get credentials for this identity. However i struggle creating the Authenfication date. Here is the code used to create the struct : #define…
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Dysfunctional Clone

A Database Server has been cloned. The Operating System is "Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3". The Query Environment is "Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Studio 10.0.4000.0". After cloning, the following behaviour…
1 answer

SSPI always picks up NTLM

I have a windows7 connected to a windows2008-r2 domain. Each time I try a SSPI "Negociate" (C++), I fall back to NTLM. I do not understand why... DNS on DC are ok. Something to do I don't ?? If I run a klist I can see all the right, everything seems…
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