Questions tagged [sspi]

Use for questions having to do with the Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) API.

The Security Support Provider Interface () is a Microsoft Windows API used to perform security-related operations such as authentication. It is implemented as a a dynamic-link library (DLL) supplied with the operating system. SSPI is the means by which the operating system loads SSPs (Security Support Providers), such as Kerberos and NTLM, when the system boots. The SSPI is the implementation of the Generic Security Service API () in Windows.

This article, while dated, is a good primer on : Logon and Authentication Technologies

216 questions
48 answers

The target principal name is incorrect. Cannot generate SSPI context

I am struggling to get a SQL Server connection from machine A to machine B which is running the SQL Server. I have Googled extensively and all the things I have found have not worked. Nor do they lead you step by step through the process of solving…
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3 answers

NTLM proxy without password?

I work on a corporate windows network (which I log in to) with a HTTP proxy. When I use Internet Explorer it magically uses the proxy without me needing to type in my password. Certain other programs seem to manage this too, like JavaWebStart has a…
Nick Fortescue
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19 answers

Cannot create SSPI context

I am working on a .NET application where I am trying to build the database scripts. While building the project, I am getting an error "Cannot create SSPI context.". This error is shown in the output window (inside VS2008 screen) and the building…
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5 answers

A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception - The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted

I have an WPF app, which uses SSLStream to connect to server and send/receive some messages. My code is largerly based on this example (SslTcpClient): This worked…
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5 answers

Client-server authentication - using SSPI?

I'm working on a client-server application and I want the client to authenticate itself to the server using the user's logon credentials, but I don't want the user to have to type in their user name and password. I certainly don't want to be…
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3 answers

How do people make Java SPNEGO client work in Windows?

In order to do client-side HTTP SPNEGO authentication with Java on Windows you need to set the Windows Registry key allowtgtsessionkey. This is well documented. What I do not understand is how people get around this? Most corporate sites would…
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2 answers

WCF Net.tcp with sspi fails unless client and server using same windows Identity

I have a WCF Service being hosted by a windows service. The client app succeeds if I log on to the client machine using the same credentials as the service is running under, but it fails with an exception if I am logged in with any other valid…
Charles Bretana
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4 answers

SSPI: user principle name WCF client

I am trying to access a wcf client. I know people are getting information out of it right now, so I know it works. My problem is I can't seem to get past it. The service is a mutual certific service. I have the appropriate certs in my personal…
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3 answers

Delimiter between domain and username in jenkins user is sometimes \, sometimes _ Why?

I'm seeing some odd things with jenkins and sending mail. For some users mail is sent to - some are fine. Jenkins is using AD for authentication - most users haven't actually logged into jenkins, the username comes from…
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1 answer

SSPI and SQL Server Windows Authentication

I'm trying to connect to SQL Server with Windows Authentication. Microsoft C# and C sources can be found at NetCpp. In Delphi I have code like this: function TTDS7SSPI.MakeSPN: string; const szBracketedInstanceFormatString = '%s/[%s]:%s'; …
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2 answers

Disable Login Prompts in mod_auth_sspi_1.0.4-2.2.2

What I'm trying to do: Create a home page on our company's intranet that automatically grabs the logged-in Windows username of the person viewing the page without the person being prompted to enter these credentials when the page loads. Currently,…
Kris Craig
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0 answers

A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception. The function requested is not supported

In my company we have a Windows service developed in C# to process requests messages from clients using SSLStream with Tls12 and Server and Client certificates. Service have worked fine on Windows Server 2012, including Windows 10 PC, no matter if…
Aldemar Cuartas Carvajal
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4 answers

Alternatives to LogonUser for network impersonation (C++)

Are there any alternatives to LogonUser and for impersonating given account in order to access network resources? I'm looking for the method of impersonation which would let me connect to machine in foreign domains (or, workgroup machines for the…
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0 answers

SecurityNegotiationException: A Call to SSPI Failed

I have a WCF webservice using a NetTcpBinding with Transport security and the clientCredientialType set to none. I have no identity specified on the endpoint using this binding. Every attempt made to call a method on the service results in the…
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4 answers

WCF 'A Call to SSPI Failed, see inner exception'

I had a self-hosted win service WCF installed and running at one point. Naturally, I had to make some changes. So I changed the base address back to my local workstation and made the changes. It worked fine. Now it's time to redistribute and...…
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