Questions tagged [uid]

uid refers to a string used for record keeping which is not guaranteed to be unique, but should be in the large majority of use cases.

uid stands for one of the following:

  • user identifier
  • unique identifier


339 questions
13 answers

How do I check if an app is a non-system app in Android?

I am getting a list of ApplicationInfo Objects with packageManager.getInstalledApplications(0) and attempting to categorize them by whether or not they are a system application. For a while I have been using the technique described here, however…
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2 answers

What is difference between os.getuid() and os.geteuid()?

The documentation for os.getuid() says: Return the current process’s user id. And of os.geteuid() says: Return the current process’s effective user id. So what is the difference between user id and effective user id? For me both works same (on…
Santosh Kumar
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5 answers

Is there UID datatype in SQLITE if Yes then how to generate value for that

I am creating table like this: CREATE TABLE foobar (id uniqueidentifier, foo text, bar text, PRIMARY KEY (id)) How to insert or generate value for id field in table foobar?
Pranita Patil
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4 answers

What's the max. length of a Facebook uid?

I've seen multiple sizes and I don't want to waste server memory on a MySQL field which is reserving too much space for too many characters. What's the biggest they can get and will this ever change?
Farid El Nasire
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2 answers

What is the Difference Between x:Key, x:Name, and x:UID in a DataTemplate in WPF?

I am trying to create dynamic tabs in WPF, and I'm trying to write a content template that will only apply to some tab items. I want to be able to create an identifier for the content template so that I can reference it in the code behind, and so…
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6 answers

Obtain the Linux UID of an Android App

I would like to be able to get the Linux UID (user ID) of an installed Android application. Excerpt from Security and Permissions: "At install time, Android gives each package a distinct Linux user ID. The identity remains constant for the duration…
Erez A. Korn
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2 answers

Unable to use sudo on OSX, getting sudo: unknown uid 501: who are you?

When I type sudo in terminal I get sudo: unknown uid 501: who are you? and when I type su I get su: who are you? I think I must have changed super user permissions somehow on my personal machine. I'm not able to use sudo commands now, and…
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1 answer

Change user id in linux

Here is a short description of what I want to do: User tom has id 1000. I'm calling usermod -u 2000 tom. What happens exactly besides that the id of tom changes to 2000? Do files and folders which were owned by this user still remain by this user or…
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5 answers

sudo: effective uid is not 0, is sudo installed setuid root?

I am trying to create deb package from LXC rootfs, and after creating it I want to install that package any computer. Up to this point I achieved packaging and installing deb package, however after installation of LXC package, I cannot be…
Salih Kardan
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4 answers

Running processes. Why displayed uid number instead username?

ps -eaf .. kude 22593 12078 0 09:06 ? 00:00:02 smbd -D hasi 22929 12078 0 09:12 ? 00:00:00 root 22950 43 0 Sep08 ? 00:00:19 [nfsiod] root 24558 43 0 Sep09 ? 00:00:28 [pdflush] root…
Anton Shevtsov
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9 answers

How to Generate Unique ID in Java (Integer)?

How to generate unique ID that is integer in java that not guess next number?
Sajad Bahmani
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1 answer

how to kill a program by process name using cmd in windows 8?

it seems that whenever i open a program in windows 8, the process name is WWAHost.exe i would like to be able to do something like TASKKILL /F /IM notepad.exe and terminate a specific process by name if i kill WWAHost.exe then all open programs will…
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0 answers

SecurityException: Calling from not trusted UID

I get below error in my Crashlytics account, and try to find solution of this error, but didn't get any success. Fatal Exception: java.lang.SecurityException: Calling from not trusted UID! at…
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2 answers

Computing the size of UID possibilities

Per DICOM specification, a UID is defined by: 9.1 UID Encoding Rules. In other words the following are valid DICOM…
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5 answers

Is there a way to get user's UID on Linux machine using java?

Is there a way to get user's UID on Linux machine using java? I'm aware of System.getProperty(""); method, but it return's user name and I'm looking for UID.
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