Questions tagged [squirrel-sql]

SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc.


SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc.


  • Project Homepage
  • Download squirrel-sql-x.x.x-optional if you want all of the plugins installed.


  • Supports autocomplete when creating queries by pressing CTRL+SPACE.
  • On-the-fly generation of ERD diagrams.

Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

  • CTRL+SPACE - autocomplete database, table, and fields in queries.
  • CTRL+t - SQL Editor Tools Popup
  • CTRL+j - Display Query Bookmarks
    (Note: need to enable with CTRL+t edit bookmarks first.)
  • CTRL+SHIFT+, / CTRL+SHIFT+. - switch to prev/next results tab

Useful Plugins

  • UnityJDBC - A plugin for SQuirreL that allows queries involving multiple kinds of databases, much in the same way that MS-Access allows linked tables.
282 questions
3 answers

On DB2 for i, Search for Column, return table names in list form

I'm still a bit of a noob, so pardon if this question is a bit obvious. I did search for an answer but either couldn't understand how the answers I found applied, or simply couldn't find an answer. I have a massive database housed on a DB2 for i…
Jay Carr
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1 answer

Is it possible to open more than one query tab without opening another connection via Alias in Squirrel SQL?

I keep commenting out my queries in the SquirreL SQL client, but I also have been opening new connections using other Aliases, however it all gets a bit crowded in the tab area. I've also been able to save my queries in files, which works great…
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3 answers

How to define/declare and use variable in Squirrel SQL client 3

I use the software SQuirreL SQL Client Version 3.2.1 and I want to declare variable like define dateFrom = '13/04/2012'; define dateTo = '13/04/2012' And to use it in my sql query like that SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE TRUNC(column_name) BETWEEN…
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1 answer

How to configure Squirrel SQL for SQL Server Windows authentication

I tried to connect Squirrel to MS SQL Server database which is based on Windows Authentication, not a regular username and password things. But it seems a bit tricky whit Windows Authentication. it would be great if someone put the step by step…
Kamyar Gilak
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1 answer

Squirrel-SQL throws class not found exception

I am running Squirrel-SQL version 3.9.0 using JDK 10 on MS-Windows 10. I have configured the Microsoft SQL server JDBC driver sqljdbc42.jar along with it's native DDLs to enable native kerberos authentication. But when I try to connect to my…
Rahul Khimasia
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1 answer

Open existing database file in SQuirreL

I have installed SQuirreL client to open my file database. I have file named "database.h2.db" and I want to read its content. Well, that's first time I work with database like that. All I need to do is simple change some data in it. I'm not working…
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4 answers

PL/SQL on SquirreL SQL Client 3.7.1

I was trying to execute PL/SQL scripts on SQuirrel but it doesn't seem to work. I configured Oracle Thin Driver by adding ojdbc7.jar on "Extra Class Path", was able to connect to the database but when tried to run a simple code it gives an error: --…
Thiago Alves
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4 answers

Connecting Squirrel Client to DB2 Server over SSL Connection

I am using Squirrel 3.5.0 client to connect to DB2 Database. Recently I have changed my DB2 to run on SSL instead of normal TCS/IP. Now I want Squirrel to connect to my DB2 server using SSL port. So I updated the port number in the connection…
Prerak Tiwari
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1 answer

Create a new table in SQuirreL SQL through the GUI?

Is it possible to create a new table in SQuirreL SQL through the GUI? I can't seem to find a way to do it on the UI. This is one of the most basic piece of functionality that a db visual tool should have so I would be very surprised if you cannot do…
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2 answers

Installing driver for Squirrel sql client on linux to connect to MS sql server

I am trying to connect to MS SQL server database from linux. I can connect with Microsoft SQL server management studio on windows to same. I am trying to use squirrel sql client. I am not sure about the driver I need to use and how to install it.
mrk m
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3 answers

Squirrel SQL & H2 plugin on Windows: ClassNotFoundException: org.h2.Driver

I am trying to use the Squirrel SQL client to connect to a H2 server instance. The problem I am facing is that when I hit the "connect" button of the server I want to connect to, then I am getting a: ClassNotFoundException: org.h2.Driver I thought…
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2 answers

Cannot connect to MySQL db using SQuirreL

I have trouble connecting to MySQL using the client Squirrel SQL. I managed to connect to Oracle and Derby previously, but this time, I do not know what I am doing wrong. I have installed MySQL on my Mac, following these steps: To install…
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3 answers

How can I list all databases with Squirrel SQL?

Squirrel SQL would become my favourite SQL tool if only it would have one function: I need to connect to one and only database (alias) and I need to define it manually. Can I connect to all databases or at least browse the databases on server and…
3 answers

Executing SQL Server stored procedure in sql squirrel

i'm in ubuntu 9.04 and using sql squirrel as my sql client. i connect to a remote SQL Server. There are some stored procedures in the db. I don't know how to execute them. No explicit gui. Earlier i was in windows and i could use management studio.…
Senthil Kumar
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1 answer

Colored cells in Squirrel SQL client

I use Squirrel SQL client to query my DB2 database. When I query one of the tables, I see some of the cells background are shown colored (teal). I am not sure why those cells can be shown in a teal color while other cells’ background are still in…
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