Questions tagged [spritebuilder]

SpriteBuilder is a free and open source visual game editor for building iOS, Android and OS X apps. It comes bundled with the Objective-C & Swift version of Cocos2D, also free and open source. The editor runs on OS X and its development is sponsored by Apportable.

272 questions
1 answer

XCode 5.1 force 32 bit compilation for a Cocos2d-iphone v3 project

I am using SpriteBuilderwith Cocos2d-iphone v3. Ever since updating to XCode 5.1 my application crashes when I use CCButton actions defined directly in SpriteBuilder. This seems to be the cause This is most likely a cast or pointer conversion,…
Tibor Udvari
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Could not build module 'Foundation' in Xcode 6

I have searched Stack Overflow, Google and fellow peers for a current workaround in Xcode 6 for this error but have failed in doing so. Note that this error occurs ONLY when attempting to run my app ON A DEVICE USING XCODE 6. (This is not an issue…
Mark Barrasso
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2 answers

Error configuring Google analytics for iOS app with GoogleService-Info.plist

I followed this Google developer guide to add Google analytics to an iOS app using Cocoa Pods. I added the GoogleService-Info.plist and put the initialisation code in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions. The app builds fine, but then crashes at the point…
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iOS app validation error: Missing plist key CFBundleShortVersionString

I built an iOS game with SpriteBuilder and cocos2d. When I attempt to submit it to the AppStore, I get the following error: ERROR ITMS-9000: "Missing plist key. The Info.plist file is missing the required key: CFBundleShortVersionString." How do I…
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Xcode will not open "Required content for Platform Android is missing"

I was trying to get back into coding today, and encountered a super weird error when opening Xcode, which says "Required content for Platform Android is missing" "Please reinstall Xcode" I did some digging, and realized that this must be an error…
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0 answers

The folder "Images.xcassets" does not exist

I just added "Images.xcassets" in my SpriteBuilder project for app icons. Everything works fine, except, whenever I click on project icon in navigator it shows two dialog boxes with the message: The folder "Images.xcassets" does not exist. Now I…
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1 answer

Enabling debug draw on CCPhysicsNode causes crash

Versions: Cocos2D V3.4, Xcode 7.2.1, SpriteBuilder 1.4.9. You can download my project here. It was created with SpriteBuilder. Enabling debug draw on CCPhysicsNode causes a crash: CCPhysicsNode *_physicsWorld; _physicsWorld = [CCPhysicsNode…
1 answer

How to install Spritebuilder?

Hello I'm trying to install Spritebuilder but it seems like it's no longer available on the mac app store. I've tried installing via github, but I'm running into trouble. I'm getting this error: "fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent…
Alex Ko
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1 answer

Cocos2d Chipmunk physics issue

I am working on the game with chipmunk physics (SpriteBuilder + Cocos2d v3). There is one game object with dynamic body and several "walls" (static bodies). When my game object falls to the wall under it, it passes some through static body a bit and…
1 answer

how to change spritebuilder Project name

i'am developing an game in xcode for iPhone ,i'am using spritebuilder ,in start i have just named it and now i want to change my sprite builder Project name . How do I rename a spritebuilder project ?
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2 answers

How to add bitmap fonts to SpriteBuilder

I can't add any .fnt/.png type of fonts to SpriteBuilder, so I can't select them for a CCLabelBMFont. What is the procedure? The docs seem to have nothing on the matter. I am using this…
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Sprite Builder can't find the variable define in objective c class

I am making a game given in named "PeevedPenguins". I put _physicsNode variable in spritebuilder for gameplay scene and put CCPhysicsNode *_physicsNode in implementation class Gameplay as given in this Link. But get an error…
Meuk Light
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1 answer

How can I create a pop-up window using Cocos2d, SpriteBuilder and Objective-c?

So I'm trying to do exactly this: But since I am not using SpriteKit i can't use this exact method. I imagine that there should be a way to create this same pop up window effect using…
1 answer

Cocos2D v3 CCTableView not scrolling

I am trying to use a CCTableView in my game. You should be able to scroll through a list of names. I am able to click on a cell and log the which cell was clicked. However when I try to scroll there is no movement. @interface…
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1 answer

How to add UIViewcontroller to a spritebuilder cocos2d 3.x project?

same as the title above. Please provide helpful link if possible. Googled it but did not find anything regarding Spritebuilder and uiviewcontroller integration. As it is needed for me to set up Google Analytics screen tag method inside viewDidLoad()…
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