Questions tagged [bitmap-fonts]

Non-scalable font made out of bitmap images rather than vector data like in Truetype fonts. Used mainly in games. Typically render faster than truetype fonts.

92 questions
11 answers

How to convert a bitmap font (.FON) into a truetype font (.TTF)?

My program (win32, Delphi) needs to display special chars in some columns of a table. To do that I use a special font for those columns. I got the font from my client. It is a .FON font. It works good on the screen but I often get problems as soon…
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5 answers

How set Libgdx bitmap font size?

I'm rendering on screen the game fps using bitmap font but there are no methods for the size. This is a problem for me because my camera viewport size is very small so the text when rendered is huge and pixelated. font.draw(batch,…
Kevin Bryan
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3 answers

How to convert TTF to FNT with Fontforge

I have a TTF font, that needs to be converted in FNT (and ideally in pcf too). I tried Fontforge, but when I loaded font and chose to generate font - nothing could be selected from the list on the right, except "No bitmap fonts" though there was WIN…
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3 answers

The correct way to draw text in OpenGL ES 2

I am using PowerVR OpenGL ES 2 SDK to develop my game on Windows with C++ then I can port it to android or iphone. Everything look alright but I'm now stuck with text rendering. I can't found any detailed tutorial about rendering text (using TTF or…
Huy Tran
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2 answers

Where I can find .fon format specification?

I'm thinking about making a bitmap font editor, but I'm completely unable to find any information about .fon internal structure. Someone knows where I can find it? Or the only solution is to analyse these files myself?
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How to draw a bitmapfont on a stage in libgdx?

This is my current render method on my level in my Libgdx game. I am trying to draw a BitmapFont on my level's top right corner but all I'm getting is a bunch of white boxes. @Override public void render( float delta ) { …
Peter Poliwoda
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4 answers

Draw a BitmapFont rotated in libgdx

I can't seem to figure out how to rotate a Bitmap font correctly. I think you modify the transformation matrix of the SpriteBatch. However, trying to rotate that rotates the text around some point, and I don't know how to rotate it relative to the…
Rahat Ahmed
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2 answers

XCode Has No Option to Enable Texture Atlas Generation

I'm following along with this apple doc, but for some reason when I search for "Sprite" under Build Settings in XCode nothing pops up. I've also tried searching for "Enable Texture Atlas Generation" and nothing comes up. I have Xcode 5.0.2 if that…
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2 answers

Simulate kerning for a bitmapped font with Fabric JS

I am trying to create an effect with Fabric JS where letters appear to be "embroidered" on a sweater like this: I can achieve this effect in Photoshop by using this action. My idea for getting it into a is to render out a png from…
Tom Lehman
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3 answers

Libgdx how to flip a BitmapFont?

I am using a BitmapFont to render text the problem is that I decided to use TrueTypeFontFactory.createBitmapFont method to create the BitmapFont so I can use my own font instead of the default one. The text is rendered with no problems except it is…
Leonso Medina Lopez
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1 answer

Irregular font spacing in LibGDX

I am developing this game in LibGDX and I have a BitmapFont that I am using to write the score on the screen. The font comes out with weird spacing and it changes when it moves. How can I fix that? Here are some examples of how the text shows…
A. Savva
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4 answers

Determining the y placement of a character for rendering text

I have been working on my own bitmap font renderer and while I believe I may have the character spacing correctly, I am not sure how I can determine the the y placement of the character. For example, if the letter 'a' had a y placement of 0, then…
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1 answer

Managing Bitmap Font assets in LibGdx

I can load a Bitmap Font just fine with the following code: BitmapFont font= new BitmapFont( Gdx.files.internal( "Fonts/MyFont.fnt" ), Gdx.files.internal( "Fonts/MyFont.png" ), false ); but I'm trying to…
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1 answer

Text rotation libgdx

I want to rotate BitmapFont in libgdx. There are topics on this matter. Draw a BitmapFont rotated in libgdx However, the first solution I try cuts my text, the whole text doesn't appear (diagonal cut). And it also rotates it ba 90 degrees, when it…
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1 answer

Scale Bitmapfont clearly with openGL (interpolation)?

I load an bitmapfont (as png image) in my openGL Application to render characters from there at a fixed size. That's working. But: If I want to scale some glyphs at a smaller size it doesnt look great. Is there a way - without using pregenerated…
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