Questions tagged [spotify-app]

The Spotify App API is no longer supported by Spotify. It allowed developers to work with Spotify using modern web technologies. For Spotify API questions that are not about the App API, use the [spotify] tag.

The Spotify platform allowed 3rd party developers to create applications using the Spotify Apps API as web applications integrated into the desktop product using Chrome Embedded Framework. It is no longer accepting new changes - announcement.

What Questions should I ask?

Questions using this tag should be about how to use one of these platforms. You may find that, in some cases, a question that arises while developing for these platforms is not Spotify specific; e.g. a common JavaScript question while creating a Spotify App. In many cases, you should tag your question with the tag instead. However, the Spotify platform does have its own idiosyncrasies, so may be appropriate. It is also advisable to include the tag as well, to ensure wider visibility.


Spotify Apps API

The newest addition to the platform is the Spotify Apps API, which allows developers to create applications which are tightly integrated to the Spotify application. Such applications are created using a mix of HTML5, JavaScript and CSS. Because of this, as well as the official documentation's usefulness, developers should also find any documentation on HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS (such as the Mozilla Developer Center) useful.

The JavaScript API accessible within the Spotify App environment gives access to classes representing Albums, Tracks and Artists; amongst others.

Useful Resources

164 questions
3 answers

Get play count of a track from Spotify API

Is it possible to get the play count of a song (for the current user)? I only found Toplist and the Track class, but neither tells me how often a user listened to a song.
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Getting data from Spotify app (Windows/Mac)

How to get data such as that is music playing, tilte, artist from the app (Windows/Mac). There is a option with using Web API but I tested Musixmatch app and it works even when I am offline so connecting to the app is possible somehow.
Mateusz Kaflowski
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launchWebAuthFlow with Spotify returns "Authorization page could not be loaded"

I registered my app on Spotify. I made sure I had the URI added to my registered app. But still every time I run this code I keep getting the same error. I am also running this in the background so I know it's not that. What am I doing wrong? Also I…
2 answers

Spotify - sound volume - AppleScript API

I have try many, many scenario to make a script that will raise the volume with no success. here example: tell application "System Events" set MyList to (name of every process) end tell if (MyList contains "Spotify") is true then tell…
0 answers

How do I disable autoplay on Android Remote Spotify SDK

When I getPlayerApi().play(), the next song plays automatically. The same thing happens when I call getPlayerApi().skipNext() (the song after .skipNext() is called, gets played). I know that autoplay is set to ON on my Spotify App, but…
Johnny Boy
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How to Look Up Spotify IDs (Song / Track IDs) in Bulk?

I have a list of songs - is there a way (using the Spotify / Echo Nest API) to look up the Spotify ID for each track in bulk? If it helps, I am planning on running these IDs through the "Get Audio Features" part of their API. Thanks in advance!
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1 answer

Spotify check if access_token is expired

A small questions. At the moment i'm using Spotify Webapi, and I want to know is there a Web API Endpoint to check if an access_token is expired? At the moment I'm using GET to check if an access_token is expired.
shaw kwok
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Artist profile information not getting from spotify api

Artist profile information not getting from api. Im calling this URL url=****7vxl9s3awf7hz4rr Endpoint(s): GET /v1/artists/{id} Scope(s): Not required as per the dev doc. Steps to reproduce: Authenticate user -…
1 answer

Song plays in only premium Spotify account

I am developing a iPhone application with integrating Spotify SDK. I am facing some issue regarding premium account and simple account. I am trying to play song with Spotify simple account without any premium account, but it always showing an…
Sham Dhiman
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Searching in an artist's tracks - Spotify API

Using the Spotify API, I am trying to search through tracks of an artist. The query I used is working, and looks like:' + song + '%20artist:' + artist + '&type=track&limit=10 It's working however it's…
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How do I create, save, and pass a valid SPTSession once I am logged in Spotify?

I'm having trouble with Spotify beta 9. All the tutorials seem phased out regarding saving a SPTSession and updating(refreshing) with the RefreshTokenURL. This is how I'm getting the AuthViewController.... let…
Charles Jr
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Where do I persist the Spotify access token?

So I have got all my auth working in my MVC web site but I want to ask: What is the recommended way to pass the access token around in my application? So, I click login, a dialog pops up and I log in. My parent window receives the access token and…
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Edit scope authorization Spotify API

I'm using the Spotify API and basically I want to be able to access a user's playlists, modify playlists, and create new playlists. I was using the JavaScript wrapper for client side ( and an implicit…
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Streaming a Spotify track when using the Web API

I'm not really happy with the Windows Phone Spotify app. I'm looking into developing my own Spotify client using the Web API. It looks like it's not possible to stream a track using the Web API, after receiving the track metadata. Is this conclusion…
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1 answer

Custom Web Player for Spotify

As far as I know, it is not possible to develop a Web app (outside providing a custom Web player which plays Spotify songs, am I right? The only option still seems to be the spotify play button, which is very limited though. I have just…
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