Questions tagged [spotify-desktop]

With Spotify, it’s easy to find the right music for every moment – on your phone, your computer, your tablet and more. This tag is regarding the desktop version of application. They support Linux using Wine.

With Spotify, it’s easy to find the right music for every moment – on your phone, your computer, your tablet and more. This tag is regarding the desktop version of application. They support Linux using Wine.

19 questions
2 answers

Spotify - sound volume - AppleScript API

I have try many, many scenario to make a script that will raise the volume with no success. here example: tell application "System Events" set MyList to (name of every process) end tell if (MyList contains "Spotify") is true then tell…
2 answers

Add song to playing queue in Spotify Desktop

I'm trying to queue a song to Spotify Desktop (Windows 8.1) making use of Spotify Remote Control Bridge. I want that song to be appended after the current playing track. Due to the restrictions Spotify applies to this API, there's no public…
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How to lower or higher the volume of music in Spotify SDK Swift

I'm working on a simple app that allows a user to sign in with his/her spotify account and then plays a song after user authentication. I tried following the spotify-provided tutorial, but i am really confused how to get volume and how to set low or…
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Spotify API-Net ResumePlayback - Error With Code Example From Documentation

The documentation at Spotiy API_NET for ResumePlayback gives the following example: ErrorResponse error = _spotify.ResumePlayback(uris: new List { "spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh" }); When I try that code in C#, I get the following…
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Spotify API search VS in-app search

I'm working on tracks search and I found that in-app search performs spellchecking of query. For example for query 'seaman rammstein' result will be 1 song Seemann by Rammstein, but search via API( has no items. And…
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Spotify API get track info based on track name?

Is there a way to query the spotify API in order to get information about a track/artist/album/playlist based on its name. E.g. query for track=I need a hero&artistName=... and get a URI/ID and some information about the track. I couldn't find…
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1 answer

Can the spotify (windows) desktop client be extended?

I found no clues in the developer documentation, but equalify claims that it integrates into the desktop application. They don't offer a free version so I couldn't try it out. Is it possible/supported to create extensions for the desktop client and…
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0 answers

Spotify authorization code flow (WPF browser control) C#

I'm using Spotify account service (authorization code flow) to get an authorization code by passing in the required parameters (client_id, response_type and redirect_uri. Its a WPF application so i am using the browser control and navigating the…
Ali Baig
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1 answer

Use SetThreadExecutionState with app that doesn't already prevent sleep mode

On Windows 7 & 10, the Spotify app doesn't prevent the display from turning off or the system going into Sleep mode (at least on the 3 windows machines I'm using). Is there a way to launch the app and incorporate the SetThreadExecutionState function…
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How do I check if the playing song is (not) in English?

Is it possible to get the language of the currently playing song in spotify? models.player.addEventListener('change', function(data) { var track =, artist = data.track.artists[0].name; var language = "?????"; });
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1 answer

Is it possible to access the song name of the currently playing song in the Spotify Mac app via Applescript?

Is it possible to access the song name of the currently playing song in the Spotify Mac app via Applescript? I would like to be able to copy the name of the currently playing song to my clipboard. If not possible through Applescript how else could…
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1 answer

Does Handlebars.js allow for dynamic templates?

I have started to play around with the Spotify API as a personal learning exercise and started with the beginners tutorial. The example code given uses handlebars.js for templates and I actually think its pretty cool. how ever I can't figure out a…
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How to prevent Spotify from using port 80?

After running a sudo lsof -i :80 I see Spotify running on port 80. Well, darn it, since I already use this port for a web server, and Spotify obviously isn’t one. Why would they even consider this? Oh, I know, it has to do with firewalls…
0 answers

User Agent Strings of Spotify and Shazam Users

Are there any known commonalities of all user agent strings for Spotify app/software? Same question for the Shazam mobile app, as well. For example, the Facebook mobile app has several elements of all their user agent strings that can be used as…
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1 answer

Manage spotify subscription (cancel, upgrade) after user authentication with the spotify api

Is there a way to manage a premium user's subscription after the user is authenticated, as provided by spotify api? I am able to obtain the user's subscription data by user profile, but cannot cancel or upgrade a premium subscription.
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