Questions tagged [spotify-app]

The Spotify App API is no longer supported by Spotify. It allowed developers to work with Spotify using modern web technologies. For Spotify API questions that are not about the App API, use the [spotify] tag.

The Spotify platform allowed 3rd party developers to create applications using the Spotify Apps API as web applications integrated into the desktop product using Chrome Embedded Framework. It is no longer accepting new changes - announcement.

What Questions should I ask?

Questions using this tag should be about how to use one of these platforms. You may find that, in some cases, a question that arises while developing for these platforms is not Spotify specific; e.g. a common JavaScript question while creating a Spotify App. In many cases, you should tag your question with the tag instead. However, the Spotify platform does have its own idiosyncrasies, so may be appropriate. It is also advisable to include the tag as well, to ensure wider visibility.


Spotify Apps API

The newest addition to the platform is the Spotify Apps API, which allows developers to create applications which are tightly integrated to the Spotify application. Such applications are created using a mix of HTML5, JavaScript and CSS. Because of this, as well as the official documentation's usefulness, developers should also find any documentation on HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS (such as the Mozilla Developer Center) useful.

The JavaScript API accessible within the Spotify App environment gives access to classes representing Albums, Tracks and Artists; amongst others.

Useful Resources

164 questions
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Spotify API: Playing a specific part of a song

I'm trying to play a song from a position other than the beginning of the track. I've found that player.position = X will work as a standalone function, such as triggered by a button, but triggering it on player.observe(models.EVENT.CHANGE...…
1 answer

Basic Auth not working in Alamofire Swift

I am trying to get a Client Credential token, which is needed for Spotify's public Web API to search for public tracks. It is extremely simple to get a token using postman. REQUEST BODY PARAMETER: VALUE: grant_type Set it to client_credentials.…
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How to use Spotify API to find path between two artists

I am trying to mimic this site : source code: What I can do: Use Spotify API to do queries and searches. Problem: How to build a graph that can find the path…
Justin Ding
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Wait until app gets authorization with SpotifyAPI-Net 5.1.1

I want my app to first get authorization and then do something with it, e.g. display user's name. The following code returns an error. SpotifyWebApi api; // (1) Get authorization (code from the official guide) AuthorizationCodeAuth auth = new…
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How to keep looking at current playing song on Spotify to see if it changed

I'm just trying to figure out how to keep checking to see if there is a song playing on Spotify using Spotipy then print it, and when the song changes it is supposed to also print out what it changed to. This should keep going on until the program…
0 answers

Spotify API searchTracks filtering by language

gettingTracks(){ // store the current promise in case we need to abort it if (prev !== null) { prev.abort(); } // store the current promise in case we need to abort it prev = spotifyApi.searchTracks('genre: hip-hop…
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Data Scraping Using Spotifyr

I am trying to scrape music from my own spotify playlist using the R package spotifyr. However, I keep running into an issue when executing certain functions such as get_user_playlist. Whenever I execute these functions I get "Waiting for…
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How to fix ""

I'm making an Android app which uses the Spotify app-remote SDK. But it gives an error when connecting to the Spotify server. The code is the same as the code of the example project of Spotify included with the SDK. I changed the client id en…
3 answers

Code inside while loop not being executed JavaScript

I am working with this while loop and it is not working. I decided to use the Google Chrome debugger and I saw that the code inside is not being executed. All the time it checks the condition, starts the first line of the code inside, and goes back…
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INVALID_CLIENT spotify SDK android

{"message":"Client authentication failed:INVALID_CLIENT"} {"message":"Client authentication failed:INVALID_CLIENT"} I'm doing integration to the spotify SDK with native Android,…
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How to get spotify Player in Android

On Successful Authorization, I am able to play hard coded track, but their is neither any player nor any pause, stop, play buttons there. I followed this tutorial, and did everything mentioned there. Now i need to add spotify Player, but i am…
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Spotify web API authorization

I'm trying to authorize Spotify web API according to this: However, I got the following error: search.component.ts (18,5): Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call…
Hoàng Nguyễn
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Using jsonlite to interact with Spotify API in R

I am trying to extract Spotify data via the API Using the below getAlbums Function: getAlbums <- function(id,type="album",market="US") { total <-…
0 answers

Login issue when spotify app is installed but not logged in spotify inside my android application

Past couple of days i am facing a one problem : login in spotify in my application after installed spotify application in my android device. Before installed spotify application in my device it's proper working login & logout but when installing…
Dhruv Raval
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1 answer

Can't modify user private data with Client Credential Flow by Spotify Web API

Is there any method to modify i.e. playlist by Web API by with console based application in Client Credential Flow ? Propably not, but maybe I am wrong ? I want to…
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