Questions tagged [solver]

A solver is a generic term indicating a piece of mathematical software, possibly in the form of a stand-alone computer program or as a software library, that 'solves' a mathematical problem.

A solver is a generic term indicating a piece of mathematical software, possibly in the form of a stand-alone computer program or as a software library, that 'solves' a mathematical problem. A solver takes problem descriptions in some sort of generic form and calculate their solution. In a solver, the emphasis is on creating a program or library that can easily be applied to other problems of similar type.

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1397 questions
2 answers

Solve an equation using a python numerical solver in numpy

I have an equation, as follows: R - ((1.0 - np.exp(-tau))/(1.0 - np.exp(-a*tau))) = 0. I want to solve for tau in this equation using a numerical solver available within numpy. What is the best way to go about this? The values for R and a in this…
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What is SAT and what it is good for?

Recently I saw a Reddit article on using SAT for solving a puzzle [1]. This got me very curios about this "SAT" thing. I read the Wikipedia article but I would like to ask someone of you to explain it for me in more layman terms. What is SAT and…
Ecir Hana
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3 answers

R solve:system is exactly singular

I am solving simple optimization problem. The data set has 26 columns and over 3000 rows. The source code looks like Means <- colMeans(Returns) Sigma <- cov(Returns) invSigma1 <- solve(Sigma) And everything works perfect- but then I want to do…
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5 answers

JavaScript equation solver library

Is there a JavaScript library or function that will solve equations for variables? Such as 9 = 3 + x and solve for x. But it should also solve more advanced equations that include sine, cosine, and tangent.
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What are the state-of-art methods for solving functional equations?

Suppose that you want to find a λ-calculus program, T, that satisfies the following equations: (T (λ f x . x)) = (λ a t . a) (T (λ f x . (f x))) = (λ a t . (t a)) (T (λ f x . (f (f x)))) = (λ a b t . (t a b)) (T (λ f x . (f (f…
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4 answers

SymPy: Limit symbol/variable to interval

Using SymPy, is it possible to limit the possible values of a symbol/variable to a certain range? I now I can set some properties while defining symbols, like positive=True, but I need more control, i.e. I need to set it to be in the interval [0,1].…
Se Norm
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4 answers

Is there any efficient way to dynamically change the compress_matrix in boost?

I am using ublas::Compressed Matrix to work with UMFPACK, a sparse linear solver. Since I am doing a simulation, so every time the linear system is constructed slightly differently that might involve enlarging/shrinking the coefficient matrix and…
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1 answer

How can I emulate Microsoft Excel's Solver functionality (GRG Nonlinear) in C#?

I have a non-linear optimization problem with constraints. It can be solved in Microsoft Excel with the Solver add-in, but I am having trouble replicating that in C#. My problem is shown in the following spreadsheet. I am solving the classic A x = b…
Craig W
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2 answers

Looking for a .NET Math Equation Editor and Solver Control

I am looking for a 3rd party custom control that can handle both editing and solving simple math equations (with image generation). I know about LaTeX and using its syntax to generate images of math equations (i've used this project here that…
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5 answers

Solve best fit polynomial and plot drop-down lines

I'm using R 3.3.1 (64-bit) on Windows 10. I have an x-y dataset that I've fit with a 2nd order polynomial. I'd like to solve that best-fit polynomial for x at y=4, and plot drop-down lines from y=4 to the x-axis. This will generate the data in a…
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5 answers

How can a declaration conflict with itself?

This is the error I'm getting when trying to compile some code that uses taucs (not my code): .../taucs/src/taucs.h:554: error: conflicting declaration ‘typedef struct taucs_ccs_matrix taucs_ccs_matrix’ .../taucs/src/taucs.h:554: error:…
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3 answers

Solving a Variable Equation defined by the User

Answers in C, Python, C++ or Javascript would be very much appreciated. I've read a few books, done all the examples. Now I'd like to write a simple program. But, I already ran into the following roadblock: My intention is to take an equation from…
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2 answers

How to reference Microsoft.Solver.Foundation in vs12?

I'm trying to add Solver Foundation to a project I'm working on in Visual Studio 2012, but I can't find it in the list. I opened one of the example projects, and the reference is Microsoft.Solver.Foundation however I tried searching Microsoft.S on…
2 answers

solving an exponential equation in Raku

I'm trying to solve this exponential equation like this: my ($l,$r); for (1 .. 100) -> $x { $l = $x * e ** $x; $r = 5 * (e ** $x - 1); say $x if $l == $r; } But it doesn't work. How to solve it in a straightforward and…
Lars Malmsteen
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3 answers

Looking for testing matrices/systems for iterative linear solver

I am currently working on a C++-based library for large, sparse linear algebra problems (yes, I know many such libraries exist, but I'm rolling my own mostly to learn about iterative solvers, sparse storage containers, etc..). I am to the point…
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