Questions tagged [ms-solver-foundation]

Microsoft Solver Foundation (MSF) is a framework for modeling optimization problems. It provides a .NET API and runtime (Solver Foudation Services) and uses a declarative modeling language (OML). MSF contains built-in solvers and interfaces with external solvers.

Microsoft Solver Foundation (MSF) is a framework for modeling optimization problems. It provides a .NET API and runtime (Solver Foundation Services) including bindings for C# and F# and a declarative modeling language (OML). MSF includes built-in solvers and can interface with many popular third-party solvers. MSF also includes interfaces to Excel and Sharepoint.

98 questions
1 answer

Defining the Goal using Microsoft Solution Foundation

Program Purpose: Integration. I am implementing an adaptive quadrature (aka numerical integration) algorithm for high dimensions (up to 100). The idea is to randomly break the volume up into smaller sections by evaluating points using a sampling…
Paul Chernoch
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4 answers

Does Microsoft Solver Foundation fit my needs?

I'm looking into options for a linear and non-linear programming (optimization) framework. Requirements are: Support linear and non-linear programming problems with approx. 100-1000 variables and up to about 1000 constraints (I gather that is…
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2 answers

How to reference Microsoft.Solver.Foundation in vs12?

I'm trying to add Solver Foundation to a project I'm working on in Visual Studio 2012, but I can't find it in the list. I opened one of the example projects, and the reference is Microsoft.Solver.Foundation however I tried searching Microsoft.S on…
3 answers

how to: solver foundation quadratic least squares

I have two independent variables, GSH and Gls. Using these two variables, I'm trying to predict an outcome, prob. Using a function of the form: prob=a*Gls^2+b*GSH^2+c*Gls+d*GSH+e // (where a,b,c,d,e are coefficients) Sample of data: Gls( 2.3 2.3…
1 answer

Microsoft Solver Foundation Location Dispersion Goal

I am trying to use the microsoft solver foundation so I could be able to select the 3 most dispersed locations out of a collection of locations. I have added two goals to my model, one that ensures 3 locations are picked and another ensuring they…
4 answers

Use Microsoft Solver Foundation in C#

I'm trying to use Microsoft Solver Foundation in my C# application in VS2010 Ultimate. I've installed MSF (64 bit version) and as far as I understand I should be able to use the services after declaring: using Microsoft.SolverFoundation; However, I…
beta vulgaris
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Using Microsoft Solver Foundation in SQL Server CLR Assembly

I currently am writing my own CLR Stored Procedure and I need to use a solver from Microsoft Solver Foundation. In order to be able to add the reference to Microsft Solver Foundation in my CLR Project, I need to add that assembly to my SQL Server…
Cristiano Sousa
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2 answers

Disadvantages of using Solver Foundation for constraint programming

What are the disadvantages of using Microsoft Solver Foundation for CLP? Solver does have some support in the Express/Standard versions, but would imagine that one would need to buy the expensive Gurobi / Knitro add-ons to accomplish anything more…
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How to deal with an active model already present in Microsoft Solver Foundation?

I used the library to solve line equation, it works for one creation of a class object from this library, but when I want to re-create the object, it throws me away: System.InvalidOperationException: There is already an active model in the…
Tom Karnaski
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2 answers

method as goal function in Microsoft Solver Foundation?

Here is a typical optimization formulation with MSF: using Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Services; SolverContext context = SolverContext.GetContext(); Model model = context.CreateModel(); //decisions Decision xs = new Decision(Domain.Real,…
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1 answer

Quotations and pattern matching in F#

In a new console application, just pasting the following code leads to the exception "The parameter is not a recognized method name". Does the following code work on your installation? Joker: Do you know any reason why it would not work on…
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Represent geographical distribution as constraint in linear prob?

I'm learning Solver Foundation right now. I'm actually plugging in lpsolve for my project, but I think my problem is a generic issue of how to best represent my constraints. I have, what I think is, a fairly typical knapsack or packing problem. I…
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F# Microsoft Solver Foundation - NelderMeadSolver class

Could anyone show me a sample code to use NelderMeadSolver class in F#? For example, I want to minimize the following function: F(X, Y) F = (X-1)^2 + (y-1)^2 where 0< X < 2 , 0< Y < 2 Answer is obviousely X = 1, Y = 1 I found an example for…
1 answer

Simple time constraint problem using C# and Microsoft Solver Foundation?

I am trying to figure out the following simple problem in order to get acquainted with Solver Foundation. I have 8 hours, 1 room and 3 teachers. Each teacher must hold 2 lectures 1 hour long each and each teacher must not hold 2 consecutive…
Ivan Zlatanov
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1 answer

Cancel backgroundworker operation

I'm using Microsoft Solver Foundation in my recent WinForms project to solve a scheduling problem. My scheduling method is something like this: public class Scheduler { public void Schedule() { InitializeParameters(); …
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