Questions tagged [solver]

A solver is a generic term indicating a piece of mathematical software, possibly in the form of a stand-alone computer program or as a software library, that 'solves' a mathematical problem.

A solver is a generic term indicating a piece of mathematical software, possibly in the form of a stand-alone computer program or as a software library, that 'solves' a mathematical problem. A solver takes problem descriptions in some sort of generic form and calculate their solution. In a solver, the emphasis is on creating a program or library that can easily be applied to other problems of similar type.

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1397 questions
2 answers

Since the example in the documentation is broken, how do I solve a non-linear system of equations numerically in SymPy?

The documentation on nonlinsolve gives this example: from sympy.core.symbol import symbols from sympy.solvers.solveset import nonlinsolve x, y, z = symbols('x, y, z', real=True) nonlinsolve([x*y - 1, 4*x**2 + y**2 - 5], [x, y]) {(-1, -1), (-1/2,…
Michael A
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1 answer

Solve small symmetric positive definite Ax = b on GPU only

I'm attempting to optimise an application in realtime 3D modelling. The compute part of the application runs almost entirely on the GPU in CUDA. The application requires the solution of a small (6x6) double precision symmetric positive definite…
Paul Caheny
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4 answers

Lights Out - finding worst initial state

I have a task revolving around a small game, called Lights Out. Game The game consists of a board with dimensions 3x3, where each cell can either be 1 or 0, for example: 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 the game is said to be solved when all cells are 1, so: 1 1…
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3 answers

Implementions of "Interior Point Method" to solve LP (and QP)

I would like to look at a couple of implementations of IPMs. The languages preferable are C/C++, Java or any scripting languages like python, perl. Others are also fine. I am searching for a good resource which can help me with, basics of…
1 answer

Solve a function in R similar to Goal Seeker in Excel

I saw already a similar question, but I can´t figure out, how to do. Maybe you can help. Back solving a function or goal seek in R ES <- function(y, z){-y * (1-pnorm(y/z)) + z * dnorm(y/z)} # = x ES(906.19, 707.1) #33.47587 What I want is to solve…
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5 answers

Python solve equation for one variable

I'm trying to solve an equation in python using SymPy. I have a generated equation (something like function = y(8.0-(y**3.0)) which I use with SymPy to create a new equation like this: eq = sympy.Eq(function, 2) which outputs y(8.0-(y**3.0)) == 2.…
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3 answers

DFID (Dept-First Iterative Deeping) vs. IDA* (Iterative-Deeping A*)

I wonder what are the advantages and disadvantages of these two algorithms. I want to write AddEmUp C++ solved, but I'm not sure which (IDA or DFID) algorithm should I use. The best article I found is this one, but it seems too old - '93. Any…
Kiril Kirov
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3 answers

Excel Solver Password: what is it and where can it be acquired/bought?

I've been exploring VBA and excel and I've been writing a few basic codes around the Excel Solver. However robust the Excel Solver may appear, it's just not fast enough for my optimization problem (one iteration takes 20 minutes). I've been looking…
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2 answers

How to set Pyomo solver timeout?

How to set the timeout for Pyomo solve() method ? More specifically, to tell pyomo, after x seconds, return the optimal solution currently found ?
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1 answer

What's the difference between "arith" and "presburger" in Isabelle?

Every goal that I have encountered in Isabelle so far that could be solved using arith could also be solved by presburger and vice versa, for example lemma "odd (n::nat) ⟹ Suc (2 * (n div 2)) = n" by presburger (* or arith *) What's the difference…
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2 answers

Structure/algorithm for solving game with overlapping cards

Consider a card game along the lines of Tower Solitaire, Tripeaks, or Fairway Solitaire: the table consists of some number of cards which are immediately available, each of which might be covering other cards underneath it (blocking them from being…
Jesse McGrew
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1 answer

Sudoku solve method

I've a problem with my sudoku solving method. The program works like this; the board is empty when started, the users adds a couple of numbers to the board and then by hitting a Solve-button the program tries to solve it. Everything works fine…
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1 answer

Matlab ode45. How to change a parameter inside it while calling it?

I'm new with Matlab. I hope you can help me. I have to solve a system of ODEs using ODE45 function. Here is the function which describes my equitions. function dNdt = rateEquations(t, y) %populations of corresponding state Ng = y(1); Ns =…
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4 answers

Java Sudoku Generator(easiest solution)

In my last question seen here: Sudoku - Region testing I asked how to check the 3x3 regions and someone was able to give me a satisfactory answer (although it involved a LOT of tinkering to get it working how I wanted to, since they didn't mention…
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1 answer

Solve equation with sum and index using Sympy

After having tried many things, I thought it would be good to ask on SO. My problem is fairly simple: how can I solve the following equation using Sympy? Equation I want to solve this for lambda_0 and q is an array of size J containing elments…
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