Questions tagged [solr]

Apache Solr is an open source search server based on the Lucene Java search library.

Apache Solr is an open source search server based on the search library.

Its major features include powerful full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration, and rich document (e.g. , ) handling. Solr is highly scalable, providing distributed search and index replication, and it powers the search and navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites.

Solr uses the Lucene Java search library at its core for full-text indexing and search and has REST-like HTTP/XML and APIs that make it easy to use from virtually any programming language. Solr's powerful external configuration allows it to be tailored to almost any type of application without Java coding, and it has an extensive plugin architecture when more advanced customization is required.

Solr can be accessed via HTTP or via numerous client libraries, such as


See also

19748 questions
1 answer

how to stop jetty without knowing the stop key

when i ran jetty which is embedded with in apache solr. All i did was java -jar start.jar and it ran i put the process in the bg by doing ctrl-z and bg i am trying to stop it by java -DSTOP.PORT=8983 -DSTOP.KEY=stop_jetty -jar start.jar --stop…
Sanjay Rao
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SOLR One collection (core) VS. many

I have multiple entities from a MySQL database that will be indexed in SOLR. What is the best method in order to have the best performance results (query time)? Using a single SOLR collection (core) with a field for the entity type Or having a…
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How the transaction log files will be deleted automatically in Solr 4.0?

In Solr 4.0 a transaction log file is created while adding the documents. After committing the documents a transaction log file is present in the location. If transaction log file size is large and that transactions committed that log file occupies…
Anand Murugan
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How can I add RDF result from opencalais into apache solr for better search result in my Drupal site?

Add RDF result from opencalais into apache solr for Indexing. I am using solr search integration module's development version(solr 4.x), Opencalais module and Drupal 7. Currently Indexing from taxonomy fields generated by opencalais.
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2 answers

How do I index rich-format documents contained as database BLOBs with Solr 4.0+?

I've found a few related solutions to this problem. The related solutions will not work for me as I'll explain. (I'm using Solr 4.0 and indexing data stored in an Oracle 11g database.) Jonck van der Kogel's related solution (from 2009) is explained…
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4 answers

How to import RDF file to Apache Solr

I'm new to Apache Solr. I want to import a rdf file into solr for indexing.I have googled it but I didn't find anything useful. please give me some pointers.
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1 answer

Solr: Number of posted files does not equal maxDoc

I apologize in advance if this question has already been answered somewhere - I wasn't able to find it. I'm relatively new to Solr, and have been following the instructions given by the tutorial for using the default SimplePostTool to index my data…
2 answers

Can SOLR perform an UPSERT?

I've been attempting to do the equivalent of an UPSERT (insert or update if already exists) in solr. I only know what does not work and the solr/lucene documentation I have read has not been helpful. Here's what I have tried: curl…
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Solrj - Encoding issue

I have a document with a field as title having value - Mörder (with an umlaut on o). When I fetch it in java using the following method the value returned in both the print commands is Morder (with an umlaut on r). Strange. When I go on to the Web…
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1 answer

Advanced Search Option in Solr corresponding to DtSearch options

We are replacing the search and indexing module in an application from DtSearch to Solr using solrnet as the .net Solr client library. We are relatively new to Solr/Lucene and would need some help/direction to understand the more advanced search…
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0 answers

Solr phonetic search not finding anything

my solr 4.1.0 installation does not find anything with phonetic encoding. The excerpts from schema.xml:
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Solr - prefix query

When I search using the query addr:s* I get...(this is dummy data) addr=someword addr=banana-sunny.or addr=seventy addr=salvation I only want those records that start with s, but the second record in the result starts with b.
Sudhanshu Umalkar
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2 answers

Can not use ICUTokenizerFactory in Solr

I am trying to use ICUTokenizerFactory in Solr schema. This is how I have defined field and fieldType.
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2 answers

Should I prefer integers or strings in my Solr schema if a field will fit either one?

Say that I have a field in my Solr schema that either has the value 1, 2, 3 or 4. I do no arithmetic on this field. The field is a status of the record. It could just as easily be A, B, C or D. Each of the 11,000,000 records has one of these…
Andy Lester
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1 answer

What can cause a Lucene Index to be corrupted?

I am trying to figure out my strategy for recovering from a corrupted index. To "get a handle" on how often this may happen I'd primarily like to know the things that can cause an index to become corrupted and secondly though not as important if…
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