Questions tagged [solr]

Apache Solr is an open source search server based on the Lucene Java search library.

Apache Solr is an open source search server based on the search library.

Its major features include powerful full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration, and rich document (e.g. , ) handling. Solr is highly scalable, providing distributed search and index replication, and it powers the search and navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites.

Solr uses the Lucene Java search library at its core for full-text indexing and search and has REST-like HTTP/XML and APIs that make it easy to use from virtually any programming language. Solr's powerful external configuration allows it to be tailored to almost any type of application without Java coding, and it has an extensive plugin architecture when more advanced customization is required.

Solr can be accessed via HTTP or via numerous client libraries, such as


See also

19748 questions
10 answers

HTTP ERROR: 404 missing core name in path with solr

I am new to Solr, after installing it in ubuntu 8.10, when I was trying exampledocs to index , as per this link, I got this error: HTTP ERROR: 404 missing core name in path This is in Jetty. What shall I do, in order to solve this?
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3 answers

When to consider Solr

I am working on an application that needs to do interesting things with search, including full-text search, hit-highlighting, faceted-search, etc... The dataset is likely to be between 3000-10000 records with 20-30 fields on each, and is all stored…
Andy Hume
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5 answers

my nodejs script is not exiting on its own after successful execution

I have written a script to update my db table after reading data from db tables and solr. I am using asyn.waterfall module. The problem is that the script is not getting exited after successful completion of all operations. I have used db connection…
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3 answers

Solr - Getting facet counts without returning search results

I need to return only the facet counts from solr. So I basically want to search over all documents and return the facet counts, but I don't want to return any search results. Is this possible? Thanks
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4 answers

How to search over huge non-text based data sets?

In a project I am working, the client has a an old and massive(terabyte range) RDBMS. Queries of all kinds are slow and there is no time to fix/refactor the schema. I've identified the sets of common queries that need to be optimized. This set is…
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1 answer

solr search for documents where a field doesn't exist

How do I search for those document in a SOLR index which do not contain a specified field?
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3 answers

How to filter query in solr by date?

In my SOLR there is date field(published_date) and values are in this format "2012-09-26T10:08:09.123Z" How I can search by simple input like "2012-09-10" instead of full ISO date format. Is it possible in SOLR?I have tried with…
5 answers

solr query with white space

I search for a word and I get the results with facet as follows: 108 73 18 6
Brahmaji Rao
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4 answers

Indexing .PDF, .XLS, .DOC, .PPT using Lucene.NET

I've heard of Lucene.Net and I've heard of Apache Tika. The question is - how do I index these documents using C# vs Java? I think the issue is that there is no .Net equivalent of Tika which extracts relevant text from these document types. UPDATE…
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6 answers

Solr Error This Indexschema is not mutable

I want to use the schema.xml rather than the managed schema so I changed the following in the solrconfig.xml to the below true
Ajay K
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5 answers

Is Solr available for .Net?

I want to learn Solr. May I know some good tutorial/links for it? Also, is Solr available for .NET?
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2 answers

Searching for date range or null/no field in Solr

I want to perform a search on a text field in Solr. I want to return all matches in a range or where there is no value. The two searches word independently: myfield:[start TO finish] -myfield:[* TO *] The first returns all matches in the range. …
Alistair Doulin
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3 answers

How to do an IN query in Solr?

i'm having documents with a multivalued field "sharedTo" which contains the groups that the document is shared to. Now I want to find all documents that are shared to at least one of a list of given groups. E.g. I want to find all documents that are…
Jan Thomä
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3 answers

Solr date field tdate vs date?

So I have a question about Solr's field date types which is pretty straight forward: what's the difference between a 'date' field and a 'tdate' one? The schema .xml claims that 'For faster range queries, consider the tdate type' and 'A Trie based…
Osvaldo Mercado
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4 answers

Solr - How do I construct a query that requires a NOT NULL Location field

I have a Solr index with a set of coordinates stored as a Location type; I would like to query for documents where this field has a non-null value. What is the query syntax to perform the NOT NULL check on a Location field?
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