Questions tagged [solr]

Apache Solr is an open source search server based on the Lucene Java search library.

Apache Solr is an open source search server based on the search library.

Its major features include powerful full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration, and rich document (e.g. , ) handling. Solr is highly scalable, providing distributed search and index replication, and it powers the search and navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites.

Solr uses the Lucene Java search library at its core for full-text indexing and search and has REST-like HTTP/XML and APIs that make it easy to use from virtually any programming language. Solr's powerful external configuration allows it to be tailored to almost any type of application without Java coding, and it has an extensive plugin architecture when more advanced customization is required.

Solr can be accessed via HTTP or via numerous client libraries, such as


See also

19748 questions
2 answers

Apache Solr string field or text field?

In apache Solr why do we always need to prefer string field over text field if both solves purposes? How string or text affects the parameters like index size, index read, index creation?
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6 answers

Deleting solr documents from Solr Admin

How do I delete all the documents in my SOLR index using the SOLR Admin. I tried using the url and it works but want to know if the same can be done using the Admin..
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5 answers

Retrieving specific fields in a Solr query?

I am running a Solr instance on Jetty and when I search using the Solr admin panel, it returns the entire document. What should I do to get only specified fields from each Solr document returned by the search?
Mohit Ranka
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6 answers

How to select distinct field values using Solr?

I would like to do the equivalent of this SQL but with Solr as my data store. SELECT DISTINCT txt FROM my_table; What syntax would force Solr to only give me distinct values? http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=txt:?????&fl=txt EDIT: So…
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6 answers

Using Solr search index as a database - is this "wrong"?

My team is working with a third party CMS that uses Solr as a search index. I've noticed that it seems like the authors are using Solr as a database of sorts in that each document returned contains two fields: The Solr document ID (basically a…
Michael Moussa
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2 answers

SOLR filter-query vs main-query

SOLR docs, state that filter queries, unlike the main query, do not influence the document score. Can anyone explain what does this mean exactly, preferably with an example. Thanks.
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7 answers

Solr Collection vs Cores

I struggle with understanding the difference between collections and cores. If I understand it correctly, cores are multiple indexes. Collection consists of cores, so essentially they share the same logic in separation, i.e. separate cores and…
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6 answers

Search Engine - Lucene or Solr

We need to integrate a search engine in our Product Catalog management software. the catalog is expected to have more than 4-5 mn. records with relational data spread over several tables. Our dev platform is Asp.Net 3.5 and we have done some…
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8 answers

How to start Solr automatically?

At the moment I have to go to /usr/java/apache-solr-1.4.0/example and then do: java -jar start.jar How do I get this to start automatically on boot? I'm on a shared Linux server.
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4 answers

Most simple way (URL?) to trigger SOLR commit of all pending docs?

What's the most simple way to cause a SOLR installation to commit all pending docs? (There's no obvious way in the admin interface. There's a script called 'commit' mentioned on the page -- but no hint…
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6 answers

How to evaluate hosted full text search solutions?

What are the options when it comes to SaaS/hosted full text search? How should I evaluate the different options available? I'm looking for something that uses Lucene, solr, or sphinx on the backend, and provides a REST API for submitting documents…
James Cooper
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4 answers

Solr search query over multiple fields

Is it possible to search in Solr over two fields using two different words and get back only those results which contain both of them? For example, if I have fields "type" and "location" , I want only those results who have type='furniture' and…
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3 answers

Solr/Solrj: How can I determine the total number of documents in an index?

How can I determine the total number of documents in a Solr index using Solrj? After hours of searching on my own, I actually have an answer (given below); I'm only posting this question so others can find the solution more easily.
George Armhold
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2 answers

How can I search on a list of values using Solr/Lucene?

Given the following query: (field:value1 OR field:value2 OR field:value3 OR ... OR field:value50) Can this be broken down into something less verbose? Basically I have hundreds of category IDs, and I need to search for items under large groups of…
Michael Moussa
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2 answers

Apache Solr - OR in filter query

Is it possible to search (with apache Solr) for items which are in one of few categories using filter query, e.g. items in category 'computers' OR 'phones' When I want to search for items in category computers AND phones I…
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