Questions tagged [solr]

Apache Solr is an open source search server based on the Lucene Java search library.

Apache Solr is an open source search server based on the search library.

Its major features include powerful full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration, and rich document (e.g. , ) handling. Solr is highly scalable, providing distributed search and index replication, and it powers the search and navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites.

Solr uses the Lucene Java search library at its core for full-text indexing and search and has REST-like HTTP/XML and APIs that make it easy to use from virtually any programming language. Solr's powerful external configuration allows it to be tailored to almost any type of application without Java coding, and it has an extensive plugin architecture when more advanced customization is required.

Solr can be accessed via HTTP or via numerous client libraries, such as


See also

19748 questions
1 answer

Integrate extracted PDF content with django-haystack

I have extracted PDF/DOCX content with Solr and I've suceeded to establish some search queries using the following Solr URL dedicated to this : http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=Lycee I would like to establish a such query with django-haystack. I…
Mohamed Ali
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3 answers

Apache Solr indexing and filter query

I need some information about Solr indexing I cannot find. I'm wondering whether fields on which I want to apply only a filter query have to be indexed or it is sufficient to mark them as stored. Thanks in advance
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Querying Solr server using SolrJ

I'm trying to query my solr database based off the code provided in this question with SolrJ but it keeps throwing a null pointer exception. My code is: @PUT @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String returnText(String url) throws…
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How to integrate Hibernate and Solr together?

For people working with Hibernate to manage their objects persistence, Hibernate search is a real savior. After trying to develop similar functionality (collecting all objects changes and sending them to a full text search engine upon transaction…
Avner Levy
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2 answers

While searching with sunspot_rails on Solr, how can I boost whole word matching over partial word matching?

I am using sunspot_rails to submit queries to a Solr instance. Everything works ok, but I want to order my results with the following criteria: I want to take first the documents where the matching term appears as word rather than as part of a…
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1 answer

Solr fulltext search in production - which is better sunspot:solr bundled solution or standalone tomcat+solr?

We are utilizing sunspot's Solr gem for a while in development mode. The application is now needs to be moved to production environment. Are there any cons of setting up solr in production environment using the bundled sunspot gem ? I generally like…
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3 answers

Negative Boost in Solr

I have a 'charges' field in my index . I want to boost results whose charges value is not equal to 0 . I tried using the bq parameter for this , but it did not work out . &bq=charges:"0"^-1 I tried using the above , however I got a 400 error…
Varun Jain
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1 answer

committed before 500 null error in solr 3.6.1

In solr 3.6.1, At some point am getting the following error when concurrent request(concurrent load test) performed against the solr server. org.apache.solr.common.SolrException log SEVERE: org.mortbay.jetty.EofException Caused by:…
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1 answer

Getting IDs of added documents after import operation is complete

I'm trying to setup a Solr dataimport.EventListener to call a SOAP service with the IDs of the documents which have been added in the update event. I have a class which implements org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.EventListener and I thought that…
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2 answers

Solr fuzzy search on 'hotdog' and 'hot dog'

New to Solr search, I can't make it to happen so that when I search Hot dog, it can find hotdog, and when I search hotdog, it can find hot dog. Did try to put it into synonyms.txt, but does not work. Did try text_general, text_en, and…
0 answers

is Solr 4.0 capable of using join for sorting documents?

I would like to sort docs using a value in a different Solr core. The use case is fairly standard: I have a movie catalog (slowly updated) and a set of personal movie recommandations, which are calculated each day and are expressed as float values.…
Laurent Le Meur
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2 answers

Fully-Importing MySQL database to Solr 4 gives 404 error

Yet another Solr 4 new user. I admired what is Solr able to do in full text searching, but the on-line documentation is a little bit frustrating. Anyway, I'm working on importing my MySQL database (having few millions of records) to Solr. I…
Nadjib Mami
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1 answer

solr 3.6.1 splitting word boundaries at a dash

We have a trouble ticket format of numerics divided by a dash i.e., n-nnnnnnn The link (in the sections on Standard Tokenizer and Classic Tokenizer) implies that both before and after…
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calculating TF-IDF for words in documents in solr and java

I can easily get the TF by counting the number of Term in a document and i want to know how to calculate document frequency, i.e. the number of documents that contain this term What I've reached so far is querying solr with a large number of rows…
Hady Elsahar
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2 answers

Why PHP Solr extension gives exception "Unsuccessful query request"

I use PHP Solr extension and it when I run the code below I get the exception: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SolrClientException' with message 'Unsuccessful query request : Response Code 404. I do not understand, what is wrong, I also use Solr…
Hayk Grigoryan
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